Hi Rebecca
I belong to the "something is better than nothing" school of thought.
So long as the resources will be available for access (either to your own clients - or others via Interloan) - it's worthwhile providing at least some level of access/discovery.
OCLC have always been fine with brief MARC records for retrospective cataloguing projects.

For the MARC records themselves (my recommendations):
*Encoding level 3 in the leader (brief record)
*Record all the information you have about the conference name/year, etc in the 245
*Add any notes you have about access requirements to a 5xx field
*Record the url in the 856 - with any appropriate notes on access.
*Additional codes in 008/007/041 etc - as required for the type of material - and where these assist with scoping searches)

I wouldn't worry about access points (e.g. formatted conference name, etc.). Unless and until you have the time to catalogue these fully (you never know, you might have the need for a small project for a trainee, one day).

I also wouldn't worry over potential duplication. The time taken to verify that there *is* a duplicate - will probably be significantly more than needed to just create the brief record.

Ann (from rainy Auckland, where it doesn't look as though we'll get a sniff of sun all weekend!)

On 27 October 2017 at 14:18 "Dames, Rebecca" <Rebecca.Dames@lincoln.ac.nz> wrote:

Kia ora koutou,


A colleague has come to me with a cataloguing request that I wanted to get some expert advice on –


They have a list of over 400 conference proceedings in a dataset and wondered if she and I could write some code to convert them into Marc records.

At this stage I’m not worried about writing the code, more about what the Marc records would look like.

And if they would be of use to anyone? Useful for interloans? Should we put them on Te Puna? The Alma Community Zone? Figshare? Some may be creating doubleups for ones that exist – is this an issue?


The info in the data includes: (some gaps)

·         Conference name

·         Year

·         Conference number

·         Place

·         url of proceedings


If anyone has any advice/suggestions/comments on this issue I would really appreciate it. Whether it’s about what the Marc record should look like, where we should put them, advice to not do this as it wouldn’t be useful, any and all opinions welcome.


Thanks everyone, have a fabulous weekend. I hope the sun shines for you!


Rebecca Dames

Library Assistant, Content and Service Delivery


Library, Teaching & Learning, Te Wharepūrākau

P O Box 85064

Lincoln University

Lincoln 7647


New Zealand


p +64 3 4230353

e Rebecca.Dames@lincoln.ac.nz | w https://ltl.lincoln.ac.nz


Lincoln University, Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki

New Zealand's Specialist Land-Based University



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