Good afternoon all,


here is the latest official BIBFRAME update from the Library of Congress.


Have a good weekend!

Cheers, Anoushka



Anoushka McGuire | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs 



From: Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative Forum [mailto:BIBFRAME@LISTSERV.LOC.GOV] On Behalf Of Frank, Paul
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2016 1:25 a.m.
Subject: [BIBFRAME] Library of Congress BIBFRAME Pilot update


--Cross-posting, apologies for duplication--


The Library of Congress launched a BIBFRAME Pilot in June 2015, and is bringing the first phase of the pilot to a staggered close on March 31, 2016.


This message summarizes the results of the first phase of the LC BIBFRAME Pilot, and identifies future developments.


·         Forty-four  Library of Congress catalogers participated in the BIBFRAME Pilot, describing resources in BIBFRAME for monographs, notated music, serials, maps, atlases, sound recordings, and audio visual materials using Resource Description & Access (RDA)

·         BIBFRAME RDA profiles were used to describe these resources

·         The Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office made the BIBFRAME RDA profiles available on a public demo site in October 2015 

·         BIBFRAME Vocabulary 1.0 was the underpinning of the RDA profiles, with new vocabulary terms based on RDA identified during the pilot and marked for inclusion in BIBFRAME Vocabulary 2.0

·         891 BIBFRAME descriptions were captured during the pilot and are available for analysis and exploration by the broader information community in this zip file. Each description is presented in three different serializations: JSON-LD, N3, and RDFXML

·         The LC BIBFRAME Pilot, Phase one, will be complete for those catalogers working with monographs, notated music, serials, maps, and atlases on March 31, 2016

·         A second LC BIBFRAME Pilot will start in fiscal 2017, when BIBFRAME Vocabulary 2.0 will be tested with a variety of formats

·         The LC BIBFRAME Pilot, Phase one will continue for those working with sound recordings and audio visual materials until May 31, 2016

·         Library of Congress Prints and Photograph catalogers began testing BIBFRAME for visual images described with DCRM(G): Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics) in March 2016, and will continue testing BIBFRAME until July 31, 2016

·         The Library of Congress has released a statement on its role in BIBFRAME development. The statement is posted on the Library of Congress PCC BIBFRAME page

·         The Library of Congress will continue to share internal BIBFRAME developments with the broader information community as the pilots continue, and welcomes comments and feedback on these developments   

Paul Frank

Acting Coordinator, NACO and SACO Programs

Cooperative Programs Section

Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division

Library of Congress

101 Independence Ave., SE

Washington, DC 20540-4230
