Good afternoon New Zealand cataloguers,


The CatSIG committee would like to share that our updated Terms of Reference were accepted by LIANZA Council at the December meeting, and are now live on the CatSIG site:


These ToR were discussed and approved at the October 2016 CatSIG AGM.


The biggest changes are the addition to our statement of purpose which explicitly states that CatSIG will support the development of international cataloguing standards, and the creation of the new key committee roles, representatives to ORDAC (the Oceania RDA Committee), of which there will be up to three.


The establishment of ORDAC is part of the recent change in the RSC (RDA Steering Committee) governance structure and will provide an opportunity for New Zealand cataloguers to contribute directly to the development of RDA. There will be more information about these new roles shortly.


Have a good weekend everyone!






Anoushka McGuire | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs