Forwarded on behalf of Jennifer Campion


*Apologies for cross-posting*


Tçnâ koutou,


The LSCC copyright survey remains open until the 28th of August, so there is one more week to get responses in!


We have been encouraged by the number of survey respondents who have opted for further contact with us following the conclusion of the survey.  It would be fantastic for us to be able to be in touch with you in future, so please do all consider this option when submitting your response.


Thanks and kind regards,


Jennifer Campion,

LSCC Chair



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joanna Matthew <>
Date: Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 10:04 AM
Subject: [NZ-Libs] We need your help to map the copyright landscape - LIANZA copyright survey
To: "" <>

Tçnâ koutou,

The LIANZA Standing Committee on Copyright (LSCC) invites you to complete this survey about how New Zealand’s current copyright regime is working for libraries.

At the end of June 2017 the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) announced the Review of the Copyright Act 1994. To inform the Review it is critical that LIANZA is able to provide clear examples and evidence about how copyright is and is not working for New Zealand libraries.

The survey should take between 15 to 25 minutes to complete. Your responses will be saved so that you can exit the survey and return to it later.

We welcome multiple responses from institutions as staff with different roles will provide a valuable range of perspectives and stories.

The survey includes questions about the following:

  *   use of, and thoughts about, the current exceptions in the Act
  *   how copyright concerns have impacted on projects and services
  *   how copyright concerns have impacted digitisation
  *   copyright concerns in making content from your collections available online
  *   Issues with orphan works
  *   copyright and meeting the needs of people with disabilities
  *   issues with works in obsolete formats
  *   use of copyright-protected works
  *   challenges to your institution's use of copyright-protected material
  *   tensions between licensing agreements for digital content and exceptions in the Act
  *   the impact of possible change to New Zealand’s copyright term
  *   what you would look for in copyright reform

It is not required that you answer all the questions, so if you can only comment on some or even one of these question areas, please do consider doing the survey.

In addition to you completing the survey, the LSCC is very keen to explore in more depth some of the copyright stories we know are out there. At the end of the survey there is an invitation to provide your name and email if you would be willing to be contacted by a member of the Committee to talk about your copyright experiences.

The survey will close on Monday 28 August 2017. A reminder to complete it will be sent in the week beginning 21 August.

At the LIANZA Conference on 25 September there will be a breakfast workshop (7.30 - 8.30 a.m.) to share the results - please come and join us!

Thank you in anticipation,
Jennifer Campion (Chair, LSCC)

Sent on behalf of Jennifer by:

Joanna Matthew | Executive Director
LIANZA, ‘Supporting Libraries Aotearoa’<> | @J_M_Matthew
+64 4 974 8586 | +64 27 284 3733
Our physical address has changed:
Ground floor, 79 Boulcott St, PO Box 12212, Wellington 6144



Tamsyn Bayliss | Cataloguing Librarian | Auckland War Memorial Museum | Tamaki Paenga Hira | The Domain, Private Bag 92018, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand | | M | P +64 9 309 0443 ext 7258 | F +64 9 379 9956 | E


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