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Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context

Thursday 23 August

National Library of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


About the event

This one-day conference is organised by the RDA Board and will be held on 23 August 2018 at the National Library of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.


Who should attend?

The Conference will benefit both RDA users and non-users and will cover the latest developments in the RDA cataloguing standard, providing a forum for discussion, learning and sharing. There will be a focus on the potential of RDA for libraries in non-English speaking countries and information about the latest developments in the RDA standard and the Toolkit.


Content of the program

There will be sessions on the international uptake and implementation of RDA, with speakers from around the world highlighting different implementation experiences. Acknowledged experts in the RDA world will give an in-depth demonstration of the new RDA Toolkit and explore RDA in a multilingual world where cataloguing traditions and practices may vary from country to country. There will be presentations on features that support translations, RDA’s ability to accommodate local practices in a global context and its potential for use in a linked data environment


The program will feature speakers from around the world with the opportunity to meet and network with experienced RDA implementers.


Registration for this event is required.


The closing date for registration is Monday 23 July 2018. Register here


Register early to secure your place!


For complete event details, please see the full post here.
















Resource Description and Access (RDA) and the RDA Toolkit are published by the Co-Publishers for RDA (the American Library Association, the Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and Facet Publishing, the publishing arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals).


RDA follows the privacy policy established by the American Library Association, which is one of the copyright holders of RDA.


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