Apologies for cross-posting.


Dear colleagues


The National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ) is planning to conduct a pilot course in Original Cataloguing in RDA in Dunedin in February 2013. The intention is that, if successful, this would be followed by courses in other parts of the country.


The NLNZ intends to transition from cataloguing with AACR2 to RDA around April 2013.  


Three days is not sufficient to cover every aspect of RDA but the course will provide a starting point for original cataloguing in the new standard. It covers the basics of cataloguing using RDA with an emphasis on monographs, as well as use of the online toolkit. Content will be delivered using presentations, discussion and practical exercises.


The course will use the materials developed by the National Library of Australia for their Resouce Description and Access : train the trainer course. It will held at the University of Otago on February 19, 20 and 21, 2013.

The cost to attendees is not finalised but will be limited to catering. Attendees are responsible for their own travel related expenses. 

Copies of the full documentation will be made available online and should be printed out by attendees prior to the course.

In addition, there will be precourse reading.



It is expected that those attending the course have an excellent working knowledge of AACR2 and will have access to the RDA toolkit in their library by the end of February 2013. Subscriptions to the toolkit are available to New Zealand libraries via  EPIC http://epic.org.nz/about-epic/subscription-options#Opt-in


Expressions of interest

Places on this pilot course are limited to a maximum of 12 participants, so please register your interest by submitting an expression of interest (EOI) with the following information:

·         Name and contact details 

·         An indication of what you hope to gain from the training and how you might use it in your library

EOIs should be submitted by email to janess.stewart@dia.govt.nz by close of business on Thursday 24 January 2013.


Allocation of course places

A notification of your course enrolment will be sent to you after the EOI period has closed.

In the event that a course is over subscribed, other applicants will be placed on a waiting list and notified of the situation.  Individuals will be informed if a place becomes available.


Further information

I am on leave in the new year until January 22nd, so any enquiries about the course during that time should be directed to Chris Todd by email at chris.rae.todd@dia.govt.nz or by phone on (04) 4743093.





Janess Stewart

Team Leader

Serials Cataloguing Team

Collection Description

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

Knowledge, Information, Research and Technology Branch

The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: +64 4 474 3118 Extn: 4918

Fax: +64 4 474 3161

email: janess.stewart@dia.govt.nz



The National Library’s refurbished Molesworth Street building is now open from, Monday to Saturday 8.30am to 5.00pm. The Alexander Turnbull Reading Rooms and Turnbull Gallery are open, Monday to Saturday 10.00am to 5.00pm.  All welcome.