CatSIG Professional Development Seminar, July 2007


CatSIG is pleased to announce a one day seminar with an exciting and varied programme of speakers.


The Committee is delighted to announce that Deirdre Kiorgaard, Director, Bibliographic Standards and Strategy, National Library of Australia and Chair of the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules will be our key presenter.


Ms. Kiorgaard will give two presentations on the JSC’s work on RDA as well as a demonstration of how FRBR fits into the model. This will be the only opportunity New Zealand librarians and interested parties will have to hear about these developments before the publication of RDA in 2009.


The Committee has achieved a coup in attracting Ms. Kiorgaard whose presentations will be of interest to a wide community and we encourage you to attend.


Other presenters are Chris Todd who will regale us with tales from her year in Cambodia on VSA; Leonie Hayes from the University of Auckland will demonstrate ResearchSpace and discuss metadata, cataloguing and repositories and Amanda Cossham from The Open Polytechnic will discuss the rapidly growing discipline of information architecture.


18 July 2007 University of Auckland, Kate Edgar Information Commons

20 July 2007 Archives New Zealand, Wellington


9.10 Mingle for a 9.25 start


9.25 Welcome


9.30-10.30 Deirdre Kiorgaard, Director, Bibliographic Standards and Strategy, National Library of Australia and Chair of the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR


Deirdre will update us on the background, progress and future direction of the development of RDA – Resource Description and Access. Deirdre will take questions and comments on RDA so bring along all the questions you ever wanted answered.


10.30-11 Morning tea


11.30-12.10 Deirdre Kiorgaard


Demonstration of an early prototype of an RDA web tool


12.15-1 Chris Todd, Cataloguing Team Leader, Schools & Music Team, NLNZ


"Cataloguing in Cambodia"


Chris will regale us with tales from her year on VSA in Cambodia


1-2 Lunch – Please note lunch will not be provided


2-2.45 Leonie Hayes, Digital Access Librarian, University of Auckland Library and Project Manager Institutional Repositories Aotearoa, University of Auckland Library


“What’s so great about digital theses? Experiences at the University of Auckland with ResearchSpace”


ResearchSpace is the open access digital archive (or institutional repository) of the University of Auckland. Leonie will discuss metadata for theses in catalogues in MARC and in DC in the repository, and the wisdom or not of duplicating workflows, data entry and functionality. Leonie will challenge us to think about the future use of aggregated search tools and being smart about the effort required to create digital items.


2.45-3.15 Afternoon tea


3.15-4 Amanda Cossham, Lecturer, Information and Library Studies, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand He Wharekura-tini Kaihautu o Aotearoa


“Information architecture: a brief tour”


Amanda will introduce the discipline of information architecture and discuss its relevance to cataloguing librarians. Information architecture is a developing discipline that has been defined as the construction of a structure, or the organisation of information. This includes using taxonomies, tags, faceted classification and folksonomies. Information architecture is one of the ways that we can start to deal with the 'unintended consequences of the information age' - information overload, information anxiety and junk information.


4 Wrap up



Cost including morning and afternoon tea:


CatSIG members     $70

LIANZA members     $90

Others                      $100


All prices exclude GST.


For enquiries or to book a place please contact Amanda Cossham,