Thank you for the questions that have been posted to the lists about RDA training in response to my email. It is always encouraging to see interest in RDA.


For people in Lynne's position, CatSIG recently offered Deborah Fritz's course "Rudimentary RDA" as a webinar and more sessions are planned for August and September. Details about the content of Deborah's course is available at


CatSIG is currently in discussion with a provider for courses in using RDA for copy cataloguing. CatSIG will be calling for expressions of interest in the very near future to determine the number and location of cataloguers requiring this training.


If anyone is interested in some introductory material about RDA, I recommend the material on the DescribeNZ wiki, in particular the presentations from the CatSIG seminars held last year with Barbara Tillett as the guest presenter. They are all available at


In response to Paul's observation, the 3-day course covers full original cataloguing applying RDA instructions and using the RDA toolkit. We have found that 3 days is necessary to cover the content in sufficient depth. We asked for expressions of interest because this course works best with a small group and we want to make it available to as many different libraries as possible.






From: Lynne Huddleston []
Sent: Thursday, 16 May 2013 11:27 a.m.
To: Janess Stewart; '';
Subject: RE: Orginal cataloguing in RDA training course


Good Morning Janess and fellow Librarians

I was just wondering about the possibility of a small-scale course on RDA being made available sometime in the future. Something along the lines of the Te Puna Interloan Training courses that are regularly offered around the country.


Say a half or short-day course, something that just covered the very basic basics! My Library doesn't actually buy very many books, so there would be no way I could justify attending a 3-day course. However, the funny thing is that I'd actually like to know what this RDA cataloguing is, and it's just a mystery to me at present...


So just throwing the idea out there, and wondering if others would be interested?


Kind regards and all the very best to everyone






Dr Lynne Huddleston BA, MA hons, PhD, Dip NZLS


Cawthron Institute

Private Bag 2

Nelson 7042



00643 5393244 DDI