[Apologies for cross-posting and missing macrons]


Tena tatou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Nga Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of Te Whakakaokao, the Maori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in October 2012. There are 33 new MSH that have been added to Nga Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues.



Nga kaupapa hou / New terms


    * Aromatawai a-paerewa = Standards-based assessment

    * Aukati (Torangapu) = Prohibition of alcohol

    * Hihi = Stitchbirds

    * Hoahoanga whare = Architecture

    * Hopu reo = Sound recordings

    * Hunga mahi = Labour market

    * Inenga = Measurement

    * Kaiwhakatangi = Musicians

    * Karahipi = Scholarships

    * Kaupapa whakaaro = Policy analysis

    * Kawa whakaruruhau = Cultural safety

    * Manu pango = Blackbirds

    * Mate whakamomori = Suicide

    * Mate tutohu = Allergy

    * Mea takaro = Toys

    * Ngarara waewae kore = Legless invertebrates

    * Noke = Worms

    * Paihana = Poison

    * Paihana a kai = Food poisoning

    * Putiputi = Flowers

    * Rahi = Size

    * Rau = Leaves

    * Reti whare = Renting

    * Tahua putea = Grants

    * Taipuwhenuatanga = Colonisation, Colonialism

    * Take hauora = Health issues

    * Taputapu = Equipment, Gadgets, Utensils, Goods, Tools

    * Tawhirimatea = The god of winds and weather

    * Tikanga tangata = Human rights

    * Toa = Achievers, Business people, Sports people, Warriors

    * Tua taipuwhenuatanga = Post-colonialism

    * Whakanga = Retirement


Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms


A number of existing terms have been amended, some of which have been changed significantly. These terms include:


* Mate has been redefined as Health problems, and the scope note clarified to encompass any affliction affecting the body or mind;

* The scope of Mate rereke, which encompasses mental, physical, or spiritual illnesses, has been expanded to include a new Heke/Narrower Term of Mate whakamomori, which is used for suicide;

* Hunga mahi toi, the term for Maori artists, has been revised to make it clear that 'artists' encompasses poets, carvers, designers, performance artists, tâ moko artists, weavers, and writers. Hunga mahi toi also includes a new Heke/Narrower Term, Kaiwhakatangi, which is appropriate for all kinds of musicians;

* Hangarau, the term for technology, has been expanded to include a new Heke/Narrower Term of Taputapu, which covers equipment, goods, tools, utensils and gadgets;

* Tangata, the term for people of Maori identity and descent, has a new Heke/Narrower term of Toa, which can be used to describe achievers of all kinds - whether top sportspeople, entrepreneurs, business people, or warriors.


Some other terms have minor changes, and these can now be viewed at http://mshupoko.natlib.govt.nz under Changes to existing terms, February 2013.


If you have any questions, or potential terms you want to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz.


Naku noa, na Kim Gutchlag matou ko nga kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao