Tçnâ tâtou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of  Te Whakakaokao, the Mâori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in Tâmaki-makau-rau. There are 29 new terms that have been added to Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues, and a number of changed terms.


We welcome requests for new terms. Please don’t hesitate to send in requests, queries and suggestions to reo@dia.govt.nz  -  Te Whakakaokao would love to hear from you.



Ngâ kaupapa hou / New terms


1.       Aihe – Dolphins

2.       Arewhana – Elephants

3.       Aukati tűkinotanga – Violence prevention

4.       Kaihoahoa – Architects

5.       Haututű – Mischief

6.       Hôtaka – Programmes

7.       Karetao – Puppets

8.       Kôaka - Gourds

9.       Kôkiri mana pôti – Suffrage movement

10.   Kupu tuku iho – Oral histories

11.   Pânui whakaahua - Posters

12.   Penapena pűtea – Personal finance

13.   Petihana – Petitions

14.   Makimaki - Monkeys

15.   Motu  - Islands

16.   Rakiraki – Ducks

17.   Raukatauri – Music therapy

18.   Rohe kôreporepo – Wetlands

19.   Rua mahara – Archival collections

20.   Taitama – Sons

21.   Tahâ – Floats, Vessels

22.   Takawai – Water vessels

23.   Tamatâne - Boys

24.   Tangata hara – Offenders

25.   Tâone – Towns

26.   Tâone nui - Cities

27.   Tatâ – Canoe bailers

28.   Whakatoi - Cheekiness

29.   Whiwhi pűtea – Financial literacy



Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms and significant additions


Hânuere/Kohi-tâtea/January 2017


The group has created a number of new terms that will be useful when describing children’s literature. These include Aihe (Dolphins),  Arewhana (Elephants), Haututű (Mischief), Karetao (Puppets), Makimaki (Monkeys) and Whakatoi (Cheekiness).


Terms have been added which may be used when describing programmes relating to the prevention of violence. These include Hôtaka (Programmes) and Aukati tűkinotanga (Violence prevention). The new term Tangata hara can be used for Offenders or Perpetrators.


Te Whakakaokao is  currently revising and clarifying the terms relating to gourds. Kôaka (Gourds) has been created as a narrower term of Hue, the term used to describe the gourd plant. New terms have been created to describe gourds which are used as water vessels (Takawai), or floats (Tahâ).


A term has been added for Raukatauri, or Music therapy. This term is related to Hineraukatauri, the guardian of traditional Mâori musical instruments.


New terms relating to personal finance (Penapena pűtea) and financial literacy (Whiwhi pűtea) have been created.


The terms used to describe genres of published and unpublished materials have been revised and the scope notes clarified. The scope note of Pânuitanga whakatairanga (Ephemera) now includes Leaflets, and we have clarified the scope note for Tâ tuhi (Printing). The group has created new terms for Oral histories (Kupu tuku iho), Archival collections (Rua mahara), and posters (Pânui whakaahua).


Two new terms have been created to describe the suffrage movement (Kôikiri mana pôti) and petitions (Petihana).


If you have any questions, or potential terms you wish to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz


Nâ ngâ kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao