Kia ora koutou,


We are seeking content to feature in the August issue of Catapult. If you have something to share with the cataloguing and metadata community about a project you or your team has been working on, a course or webinar you have participated in, or perhaps other news you would like to share and comment on, please get in touch.


It would be great to put together another cataloguer profile for this issue, so if you are willing to talk about what your cataloging/metadata position is all about, we’re not lying when we say the community would love to read about it!


We will be accepting submissions until Friday 14th August. Looking forward to hearing from you—


Ngâ mihi/Kind regards,

Sara Sladwick

Collection Development Adviser

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services, The University of Auckland

Room 136, 26 Princes Street, Tâmaki Makaurau | Auckland 1010

Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142

ext 87861