Tēnā koutou/greetings to you all,


The next RDA Steering Committee (RSC) meeting is coming up and will be held as virtual meeting over two weeks: 12-15 October and 18-22 October.


The draft agenda has now been posted on the RSC website. The Oceania region will be represented again at the meeting by the Oceania RDA Committee (ORDAC) representative to the RSC, Melissa Parent, and we welcome you to send comments and feedback about any of the public agenda items directly to ORDAC to incorporate into our regional response.


All comments will be welcome – please send directly to me (anoushka.mcguire@dia.govt.nz) by Wednesday October 6, 2021.


Ngā mihi nui/thank you very much,

nā Anoushka


Anoushka McGuire | Chair, Oceania RDA Committee (ORDAC)

Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1, Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 2 (Acting)

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 | www.natlib.govt.nz


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs