Dear Cataloguing colleague,


If you are going to be in Auckland on Tuesday 14th October, please come along to the CatSIG AGM which is being held in conjunction with the 2014 LIANZA conference.  You do not need a conference registration to attend the meeting, and are welcome to bring colleagues with you who are not yet CatSIG members.  You are welcome to bring your lunch and eat it during the meeting.


The AGM business will be followed by two speakers from the National Library of New Zealand, Anoushka McGuire and Sandra McKenzie on an introduction to BibFrame for cataloguers.


The meeting will take place from 12.30pm to 1.30 pm in Epsom Room 3 located on Level 4 of SkyCity Convention Centre


Documents and reports for the meeting are available at


CatSIG is currently looking for some new committee members, including a new treasurer.  If you would like to be part of this group please bring your nominations to the meeting.  If you would like more information or will not be at conference please contact Joanne Rowan


We would love to see you there.




Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401
