Tena tatou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Nga Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of  Te Whakakaokao, the Maori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in December 2014. There are 14 new terms that have been added to Nga Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues, and also a significant number of changed terms.


 Nga kaupapa hou / New terms


•             Ana = Caves

•             Aria whakaako= Pedagogy

•             Eke hoiho= Horse-riding

•             Haereere ana = Caving

•             Haereere awa = River activities

•             Hokakatanga = Sexual behaviour and identity

•             Kaituhi = Authors

•             Kanga = Corn

•             Mahaki = Humility

•             Moari = Traditional swings

•             Poraka = Frogs

•             Ritenga = Practices, Processes, Rites, Rituals

•             Whakahihi = Arrogance, Pride, Vanity

•             Whakataetae hoiho = Equestrian events



Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms


A number of existing terms have been amended, some of which have been changed significantly. These terms include:


•The terms for sexuality and sexual organs have revised to clarify the distinction between physical anatomy and sexual identity. A new term, Hokakatanga has been added to encompass all aspects of sexuality relating to the physical, emotional and mental aspects of sexual behaviour and identity, while the scope of the existing term Taihemahema is now limited to sexual organs.


•A new term Kaituhi has been added to refer to authors, writers, and scribes. Previously, authors had been subsumed within the more general term Hunga mahi toi , which denotes artists and creators of all kinds.


•A long-standing request for a term for frogs has now been resolved. The term Poraka has been created, and is located as a narrower term of Aitanga pepeke, the domain of insects, arthropods, and hopping and jumping animals.


•The scope of the term Tikanga (ceremonies, customs, protocols, traditions) has been revised and a new narrower term Ritenga has been added. The latter describes methods of applying cultural practices, and can also apply to Western ideas of rites and rituals.


•The scope notes relating to the atua Tangaroa and Hinemoana have been revised to make it clear that Tangaroa is the guardian of the sea, and all things living in it, while Hinemoana is the embodiment of the deep seas and the guardian of instruments made of seashells.


•The scope and relationships of the terms Kirehu (idoms), Kiwaha (colloquial idoms) and Pepeha (tribal mottos) have been clarified and expanded.



We apologise for the absence of macrons. It has not been possible to include these, for technical reasons relating to the email client.


If you have any questions, or potential terms you want to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz.


Na nga kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao