[Apologies for cross-posting]

I would encourage people to take the opportunity to read and provide feedback on the draft WorldCat record use policy - WorldCat Rights and Responsibilities for the OCLC Cooperative <

You have until the end of May to provide your feedback. It would also be useful for you to provide feedback to your representative on the Te Puna Strategic Advisory Committee (TPSAC). For a list of members, see http://www.natlib.govt.nz/about-us/friends-advisors/tpsac/?searchterm=tpsac

It is worth noting that under the current agreement between OCLC and the National Library  of New Zealand, bibliographic records designated in the OCLC database as original cataloguing by any New Zealand library, or bibliographic records derived from a source other than WorldCat by a New Zealand library are excluded from the record reuse policy and are freely transferable.

It is also worth noting that this agreement expires at the end of June 2010 and is soon to be  renegotiated, but we will be seeking to maintain this exclusion.

Kind regards,
Kim Gutchlag

Manager, Collection Description

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa

Wellington, New Zealand

DDI: +644 474 3085




Did you know that the National Library's Molesworth Street building has closed for redevelopment? Onsite access to selected collections can be found at two Wellington locations: our new reading room at 77 Thorndon Quay, and Archives New Zealand, 10 Mulgrave Street. For more information, go to http://www.natlib.govt.nz/building

>>> "Whitehair,David" <
whitehad@OCLC.ORG> 8/04/2010 3:27 a.m. >>>
Please see the message below, posted on behalf of the OCLC Record Use Policy Council.



David Whitehair

Senior Product Manager, Cataloging & Metadata Services


6565 Kilgour Place

Dublin, OH 43017-3395 USA

Voice -- +1-614-764-6483 or 1-800-848-5878

Fax -- +1-614-718-7292

Email --
david_whitehair@oclc.org <mailto:david_whitehair@oclc.org>

TO:          OCLC Members

FROM:     OCLC Record Use Policy Council Co-Chairs Barbara Gubbin, Director, Jacksonville Public Library, USA; and Jennifer Younger, President-Elect, OCLC Global Council and Edward H. Arnold Director of Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame, USA

RE:          Next-generation policy for WorldCat records-open for community review

DATE:     April 7, 2010

The OCLC Record Use Policy Council members have been working for the past few months to develop the next generation of a WorldCat use policy, and we are pleased to announce that the draft document, WorldCat Rights and Responsibilities for the OCLC Cooperative <
http://www.oclc.org/worldcat/catalog/policy/default.htm> , is open for community review.

This Council, convened by the OCLC Board of Trustees last September, has produced a new draft document that incorporates many suggestions raised by the community over the past year. For example, rather than using legal language, we have drafted the new policy as a code of good practices, intended to outline the rights and responsibilities of OCLC members with regard to the use of WorldCat records.

We intend for this document to help inform the decision-making process for member library leaders as they seek to innovate around the shared resource that is WorldCat. We have sought to encourage the widespread use of WorldCat data while also supporting the viability and utility of WorldCat and the OCLC network of services.

The draft policy is not final. Between now and the end of May, we very much want your feedback. We hope you will take the time to review the draft policy carefully, and let us know your thoughts. You can post comments to the community forum <
http://community.oclc.org/recorduse> , send an e-mail with your thoughts to recorduse@oclc.org <mailto:recorduse@oclc.org> , or register to attend a webinar <http://www.oclc.org/worldcat/catalog/policy/council/default.htm>  where you can ask questions and submit feedback to members of the Record Use Policy Council. We will continue to add content to the accompanying FAQ <http://www.oclc.org/worldcat/catalog/policy/questions/default.htm>  as we get more questions from the community review process.

We plan to send a revised version of the draft policy to the OCLC Board of Trustees at the end of May for final review and approval. We anticipate that a final document will be published mid-calendar year 2010. 

Many thanks are due to all the members and librarians who commented over the past year and whose feedback helped us formulate this new document. We would especially like to thank the members of the Record Use Policy Council:

·         ChewLeng Beh, Global Council Delegate and Chair, OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council; and Senior Director, Singapore National Library Board, Singapore

·         Raymond Bérard, Global Council Delegate and Director, ABES, France

·         Karen Calhoun, Vice President, OCLC WorldCat and Metadata Services, OCLC, USA

·         Klaus Ceynowa, Global Council Delegate and Deputy Director General, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Germany

·         Christopher Cole, Global Council Delegate and Associate Director for Technical Services, National Agriculture Library, USA

·         Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, OCLC Research and Chief Strategist, OCLC, USA

·         Nancy Eaton, Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, Penn State University, USA

·         Clifford A. Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), USA

·         Brian E. C. Schottlaender, Global Council Delegate and The Audrey Geisel University Librarian, UC San Diego Libraries, USA

·         Lamar Veatch, Global Council Delegate and State Librarian, Georgia Public Library Service-University System of Georgia, USA