Don’t forget to put in your application for sponsorship to attend the LIANZA conference.  There is only three week to go until the deadline of 30 June.


We would love to send a member of CatSIG to this conference.  Check out the programme from the link below to see all the interesting sessions you could be attending.




Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401



From: CatSIG [] On Behalf Of Joanne Rowan
Sent: Friday, 5 May 2017 7:44 AM
Subject: [FORGED] [CatSIG] LIANZA conference 2017 - CatSIG sponsorship offer


CatSIG is offering to sponsor one member to attend the 2017 LIANZA Conference – Amuri toi i a ako whakaaro: Open from 24-27 September  2017 at Addington Raceway in Christchurch


Sponsorship will cover the cost of conference registration fees and assist with travel and accommodation costs up to $800.


We strongly encourage cataloguers from smaller centres to apply for this professional development opportunity. 


Applications close on 30th June 2017.


You must be a member of CatSIG.

You should have the support of your employer


Applications should include:

Name, work place and role

How would you and your work place benefit from your attendance of LIANZA? (one paragraph)


Please email applications and enquiries to


The successful applicant will be notified by email no later than 7th July. The decision of the CatSIG committee is final.




Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401
