CATSIG is considering another round of TMQ (The Marc of Quality) cataloguing workshops in the second half of 2014.  We are looking for expressions of interesting in the following TQM workshops:


MARC21 in your library (1 day):

This course is a beginner's introduction to MARC21 and how it is meant to work in a library automation system. It explains what the MARC standards are and how those standards tie in with our current cataloguing rules (AACR) to help cataloguers create data that will function effectively in a library catalogue. 

See the TMQ website for more information.


Rudimentary RDA (1 day):

In the course of the workshop, we intend to answer the following questions:

·         How RDA is intended to help the users of our OPACs

·         What are FRBR, WEMI, FISO, and FRAD

·         What is really different about RDA

·         What is the RDA Toolkit

·         What is RIMMF

·         How the Toolkit and RDA-based cataloguing software (such as RIMMF) will make it simpler for us to describe and provide access to resources

·         What we should do with RDAMARC records that we copy, to make those records work properly in our OPACs

See the TMQ website for more information.


RDA/MARC for Copy Cats (2 days):

Copy cataloguing is becoming somewhat more complicated, as various important creators of MARC records gradually switch from following AACR rules to following RDA instructions for the records they make. RDA/MARC records certainly look different than AACR/MARC records, and so do the Hybrid AACR/MARC records that are also showing up for you to copy. But the good news is that there are some straightforward patterns in the RDA instructions that will help clarify the changes that RDA brings to our copy cataloguing process.

See the TMQ website for more information.


RDA Minus MARC (2 days):

Catalogers who already understand how RDA differs from AACR2 may still struggle with the more conceptual aspects of RDA, such as making relationships among the FRBR/FRAD entities. This advanced RDA workshop provides an opportunity to work hands-on with RDA in a non-MARC environment, using RIMMF, a freely available visualization and training tool.  Deborah Fritz will explain RIMMF and lead attendees through a series of examples to create attribute and relationship data for works, expressions, manifestations, items, persons and corporate bodies; with the emphasis on understanding how RDA thinking is different from AACR2 and MARC. 


Expected costs

Rudimentary RDA  and MARC21: CatSIG members $150, LIANZA members $200, Other $250

RDA/MARC for Copy Cats and RDA Minus MARC: CatSIG members $300, LIANZA members $400, Other $500


Please note all the workshops will be held online via webinar.  You will need access to a computer for RDA/MARC for Copy Cats and RDA Minus MARC


If your or your staff are interested in attending these workshops, we would appreciate your response to the following questions.  This will help us gauge the current level of demand for these course.


Please send responses to by Friday 23rd May.


1.     Name


2.    Organisation


3.    I/my staff would be interested in attending the following (Please delete the workshops you are not interested in.


MARC21 in your library

Rudimentary RDA

RDA/MARC for Copy Cats



4.     If you are responding on behalf of your staff, how many are you expecting to attend?


5.    Other workshop that you would like to see in 2014?


Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401
