Hi All,

The National Library cataloguers are now up to our fifth week of RDA training. We are working in 3 groups of 7 or 8 people and we schedule 4 hours each week for RDA. The rest of the time it's business as usual.

The normal pattern for the 4 hour session is:

·         10-15 minutes recap and questions from the previous week.

·         1 hour - 1 1/2 hour powerpoint presentation on the topic for the week 

·         the group then practice individually or together

·         for the last 30 minutes the group gets back together to share questions, examples or other items of interest

We are using the LC training presentations as the basis for our training, however we edit and remove slides depending on their relevance to our situation. Mostly we are removing slides that emphasise less common situations as we want to be sure that we have a good grasp of basic principles applied to records for normal resources.

We have completed work on describing manifestations and items (with an emphasis on print monographs) and in the week beginning November 12th we will start looking at identifying works.

This part of our training is available on the DescribeNZ wiki http://nznuc-cataloguing.pbworks.com/w/page/60600175/RDA%20Training%20Part%20Four


Our draft RDA cataloguing policies are also available on DescribeNZ. As we work our way more carefully through the RDA instructions we are identifying areas where we might want to review our original policies, so these draft policies could well change over the next few months.


We also continue to follow news about RDA and the Bibliographic Framework developments on various listservs.


The three Cataloguing Team Leaders (Charlotte Stretton, Janess Stewart and I) will be in Canberra from November 6-9 attending the National Library of Australia's RDA  Train the Trainer course.  I will send out another update reporting on that training when we get back.


Best regards



Chris (Christine) Todd

Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand

The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: +64 4 474 3093

email: chris.rae.todd@dia.govt.nz


The National Library is pleased to announce the official reopening on 27 November 2012 of its refurbished Wellington building. If you just can’t wait come to our building on Molesworth Street between 10am – 5pm Monday – Saturday to find out more about what we have on offer - the Alexander Turnbull Reading Rooms and Turnbull Gallery are open now.


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