Tēnā koutou,


The new and changed headings from the Hakihea/December Te Whakakaokao/Māori Subject Headings Working Group hui of 2018 are now available for use on the National Library website. As usual, files are also available for download to update copies in local systems.


Tukua mai he tono kia waihangatia ai he upoko hōu! We’d love some requests for new terms!

The next hui will be held in the middle of this year and as always we'd like to hear any new suggestions you may have for the rōpū (group) to consider. It's a really easy process: if you're handling a collection item that is either in te reo Māori or has content about Māori, and you can't find an existing term in our thesaurus to suit your item, please email reo@dia.govt.nz with your suggestion and the details of what you were working on. Suggestions where you don't know a Māori term are just fine.


He ao te rangi ka uhia, mā te huruhuru te manu ka rere.



Ngā kaupapa hou / New terms


Ētita  – Editors

Hiwa-i-te-rangi – A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Kaikarakia – Ministers (Church)

Kōnae ipurangi – Podcasts

Kupe – A legendary figure that features prominently in the mythology and oral history of some iwi.

Manu māori – Native birds

Matariki (Whetū) – A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Momo taketake – Native species

Momo whatungarongaro – Endangered species

Paerewa -- Standards

Pōhutukawa (Whetū) -- A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Popoto – Māui dolphins

Pūoro ōkawa – Classical music

Rāngai pūoro – Orchestras

Rāngai pūoro tuatini – Symphony orchestras

Terehu – Bottlenose dolphins

Tūpoupou – Hector’s dolphins

Tupuānuku – A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Tupuārangi – A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Ururangi -- A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Waipuna-a-rangi – A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Waitā – A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.

Waitī -- A star associated with the constellation of Matariki.


Recent Changes


Terms for the individual stars within the constellation of Matariki have been created, reflecting an increasing number of publications exploring the cultural, historical, and astronomical significance of Matariki. The term for the Matariki constellation has been qualified as Matariki (Tātai whetū) to distinguish this from the individual star Matariki (Whetū). What this means is that you may need to review the use of Matariki in your catalogue where it occurs without a qualifier and decide which is appropriate; National Library will be doing the same. The scope note for Puanga has been refined, and the relationship between Whetū (Stars) and Constellations (Tātai whetū) has been revised.


There are a number of new terms relating to the environment and threatened species. These include: Manu māori (Native birds), Momo taketake (Native species), Momo whatungarongaro (Endangered species),  Popoto (Māui dolphins), Tūpoupou (Hector’s dolphins) and Terehu (Bottlenose dolphins). The scope and definition of Aihe (Dolphins) has been reworked to guide users to apply narrower terms for specific species of dolphin where appropriate.


New terms have been created to describe classical music resources, including Pūoro ōkawa (Classical music), Rāngai pūoro (Orchestras), and Rāngai pūoro tuatini (Symphony orchestras).  When describing specific kinds of classical music, multiple terms may be applied. For example, to describe symphony orchestral music, one may add both Pūoro ōkawa and Rāngai pūoro tuatini.


Other new terms that will be useful when describing the form or genre of different kinds of resources include: Kōnae ipurangi  (Podcasts) and Paerewa (Standards).


New Tukutuku (Māori see references) have been added to make terms such as Kōrero nehe (History) more discoverable. There are also some new English see references, guiding users from Broadcasting to Pāpāho (Mass media) and from Allegories to Pūrākau (Traditional literature). The scope of Korowai (Cloaks decorated with black twisted thrums) has been clarified.



Nā ngā kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao




Catherine Amey

Authority Record Coordinator

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

PO Box 1467, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

Direct Dial: +64  4704485 | Extn: 3485 | www.dia.govt.nz


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua