There are still a few places available for the following webinars being held next week:



This course is an introduction to MARC21 and how it is meant to work in a library automation system. It explains what the MARC standards are and how those standards tie in with our cataloguing rules (AACR) to help cataloguers create data that will function effectively in a library catalogue. Target audience: directors, reference people, acquisitions people, copy cataloguers, beginning cataloguers, and experienced but untrained cataloguers.


There are two discrete parts to MARC21 in your Library:

Part One of this course consists of a series of web-casts and web-based mini-courses and covers the underlying fundamentals of MARC and bibliographic information. Duration: approx. 5 hrs; presenter: D. Fritz; site/dates: on-demand, anytime.  Click here to access the Part One modules (for free)


Part Two of this course is provided as a one-day, face-to-face, training session at a host site, which is also concurrently available as a live, online broadcast, and covers the core codes that are most commonly found in MARC records, and their functions.


Live webinar option       28 September 2011                  



CatSIG members $150  LIANZA members $200  Other $250



Copy cataloguing is not the same as original cataloguing; it has its own special procedures and guidelines. This workshop outlines the basic principles of copy cataloguing in a MARC record environment. It will introduce you to the art of: finding cataloguing records that you can copy; ensuring that those records really match your resources; and fixing the really important things that might need fixing in those records. Recommended prerequisites: MARC21 in Your Library. Target audience: acquisitions people, copy cataloguers, beginning cataloguers, and experienced but untrained cataloguers.


There are two discrete parts to Just for Copy Cats:

Part one of this course is made up of a series of four, short, free, webcasts or self-paced modules.  Click here to access the JCC Part One modules (for free)


Part Two of this course is provided as a two-day, face-to-face, training session at a host site, which is also concurrently available as a live, online broadcast.

Live webinar option       29-30 September 2011



CatSIG members $300  LIANZA members $400  Other $500


**Please note that all prices exclude GST**


These are intensive courses, all designed to present the material in a manner that will make it easier for participants to learn and develop their cataloguing skills.


Both workshops are held by Deborah Fritz, an international trainer with over 15 years of experience. For more information about each course see


To register, please fill out the following details and email to by Monday 26th September.







CatSIG or LIANZA membership number (if applicable and known):

(*An institutional LIANZA membership can be used for 1 participant per



Please indicate which of the following options apply:


I/we will be attending MARC21 IN YOUR LIBRARY:

a.       Live webinar option


I/we will be attending JUST FOR COPY CATS:

a.       Live webinar option





Janess Stewart

Team Leader

Serials Cataloguing Team

Collection Description

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Knowledge, Information, Research and Technology Branch

The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: +64 4 474 3118 Extn: 4918

Fax: +64 4 474 3161





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