Dear Colleague,

                               The RDA cataloguing seminars with Barbara Tillett still have some places available.  Please remember to  register by Friday 24th of August.


                        CatSIG is delighted to announce an RDA cataloguing seminar with Barbara Tillett, Chief of the Policy and Standards Division, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate at the Library of Congress, supported by cataloguing team leaders from the National Library of New Zealand.


The seminar will be held in three locations around New Zealand:


Auckland - Friday, 21st September 2012 at the University of Auckland, 9.30am-3.00pm

Palmerston North - Sunday, 23rd September 2012 at the Awapuni Function Centre, 9.00am-2.00pm (short lunch break)

Dunedin - Friday, 28th September 2012 at Dunedin Public Libraries, 9.30am-3.00pm


Cost: $30.00  


Proposed programme:

Part 1: The why, how and who of RDA

·         How the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) works with the proposals that are coming in at the moment

·         Implementation of RDA: what we have been doing and are planning for NZ; the work that is being done at Library of Congress in preparation for the implementation of RDA

·         The Bibliographic Framework initiative


Part 2: What should we be doing about RDA?


Pre-workshop reading on basic concepts will be recommended for participants to maximise benefit from the seminar.


Note: The purpose of this seminar is to provide an introduction and update on the progress of RDA.  It is not designed as a training session on application of RDA cataloguing rules.  


To register for one of the seminars please email the following details to by Friday 24th August:


Location of seminar:






CatSIG/LIANZA membership information (if applicable and known):



Sonya Maclaurin (Secretary of CatSIG)