Apologies for cross posting


The Hikuwai Region is delighted to announce that they are once again holding a Weekend School on the 28th and 29th May 2016 at the fabulous Kingsgate Hotel, Whangarei in Northland. Please note these dates in your calendars.


We will be developing a relevant programme for all library sectors that is based on the Bodies of Knowledge required for Professional Registration and with this in mind we would like to open the call for presenters.


What are we looking for?


Presentations, workshops, panel discussions or posters.  Either a 20 minute presentation for the half hour sessions or a 45 minute presentation for the one hour sessions.  We welcome proposals covering all professional sectors on a range of topics including but not limited to:


      Community connections – outreach and offsite activities, pop-up libraries

      Digital – Bringing digital experiences to our users, and becoming confident in the digital world.

      Collaborating about stack collections

      Future of libraries

      Writing and presenting for conference


      Leadership - Kotuku Leadership programme

      Children’s literature and holiday programmes

      Research in libraries

      Any other ideas


Presenters are expected to register and participate in the whole of the Weekend School. The formal programme will run from Saturday morning through to Sunday lunch time with plenty of informal networking time. On Friday evening there will be a welcoming function.


We ask that your proposals directly relate to one or more BOKs, please identify this in your proposal / abstract. If you would like to discuss your idea before submitting your proposal, Lisa Salter 021 116 1080.


Please submit your proposals / abstracts to hikuwaiweekendschool@gmail.com by Friday 26th February 2016.


We will advise you of the outcome of your proposal by Friday 18th March.




Joanne Rowan

Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401

Email: jf.rowan@auckland.ac.nz