Kia ora koutou,


Apologies for cross-posting if you are on the RDA Oceania list.


I will forward a second email with an invitation to view the RDA Steering Committee public session shortly.


Ngā mihi,




Bridget Jennings

Wellington City Libraries


From: <> On Behalf Of Charlotte Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 10:40 AM
Subject: [rdaoceania] Feedback on RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1 requested


Kia ora,


The next meeting of the RDA Steering Committee begins on 15 July.


Ahead of that, the Religions Working Group have released a proposal to adjust instructions for the element Corporate body: preferred name of corporate body, to make them less Christian-based and more relevant to other religious communities. The paper can be seen at


Given the late release of this proposal we have only a very short time period within which to respond with any feedback.


Can I please have any urgent comments on this proposal sent to me at no later than end of work day, Thursday 4 July so I can compile them into a formal response for release the week before the meeting?


Please note that if you notice something after this deadline you can still email me to raise issues verbally at the meeting itself.


ngā mihi,

Charlotte Christensen

Oceania region representative to the RDA Steering Committee



Charlotte Christensen RLIANZA

Mātanga Whakaahuaanga Kohinga Matua Senior Collection Description Specialist

Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand

Direct Dial: 07 867 1234 |


National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs

