Good morning NZ Cataloguers,


this is an exciting opportunity which I though worth passing on.






Anoushka McGuire | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


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From: Christine Oliver []
Sent: Friday, 7 July 2017 11:39 PM
To:;;; '' <>
Subject: [FRBR] Call for Nominations : IFLA FRBR Review Group


Call for Nominations: FRBR Review Group

The FRBR Review Group is presently seeking nominations for members to serve from 2017-2021.

The current terms of reference (below) were adopted in 2009:

1) Review and maintain IFLA's FRBR family of conceptual models on an ongoing basis, developing revisions when needed;

2) Develop and make available guidelines and interpretative documents to assist those applying the models;

3) Promote the models and encourage their use in all appropriate information organising communities and maintain links with relevant groups both within IFLA and in other communities.


The FRBR family of conceptual models goes beyond the three original IFLA models, FRBR, FRAD and FRSAD; it includes FRBROO and the new IFLA Library Reference Model, soon to be endorsed as an IFLA standard.


FRBR Review Group members serve 4-year terms, and new members are eligible for one renewal of an additional 4 years. The FRBR Review Group holds two meetings during IFLA’s annual World Library and Information Congress, and sometimes a third meeting, as needed for the work that has to be accomplished. During the WLIC in Wroclaw, the Review Group will meet twice.


Nominees should be experts in areas relevant to conceptual modeling of bibliographic data, with a sound knowledge of the FRBR family of conceptual models.


In the next four years, one of the primary responsibilities of the RG will be to promote FRBROO and IFLA LRM, to develop interpretive and supporting documents that assist those who are applying the models, and to liaise with the communities and projects that are using the models in specific applications.


Review Group members must be able to get funding on their own for traveling to IFLA meetings.


Nominees do not need to be a member of the Standing Committees of the Cataloguing, Bibliography or Subject Analysis and Access Sections to be eligible for the Review Group, but should either be a personal member of IFLA or work at an institution/be a member of an association that is a member of IFLA.


Interested persons should send a brief statement of their qualifications along with an expression of interest before August 1st, 2017, to the current chair of the FRBR Review Group, Chris Oliver:

The Cataloguing Section Standing Committee elects the  members of the FRBR Review Group at their first meeting in Wroclaw.


Chris Oliver

Chair, FRBR Review Group



Members continuing in their first term:

Barbora Drobíková (Czech Republic)

Agnese Galeffi (Italy)

Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi (Italy)

Ben Gu (China)


Members completing a first term and nominated for a second term:

Tanja Merčun (Croatia)

Chris Oliver (Canada)

Athena Salaba (United States)