If you want to gain some more experience cataloguing DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and Streaming Videos this course might be for you.  CatSIG is offering to sponsor one person to do the following cataloguing course.


Beyond the Basics: Cataloging DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and Streaming Videos offer by Library Juice

Dates: May 1st to 26th, 2017


This course is designed to help those with basic cataloguing experience become comfortable cataloguing more challenging formats. Participants will learn how to catalogue motion pictures on DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and streaming formats in RDA and MARC through lots of hands-on practice including learning to identify the preferred sources of information to use when determining titles and statements of responsibility, how to handle multiple production companies, distributors, and dates frequently found on these resources, how to determine authorized and variant access points, and how to create accurate physical descriptions that reflect new fields added under RDA.


Participants will also learn the primary differences between RDA and AACR2 for audio-visual resources so that they can effectively copy catalogue and enrich existing records.


Course Objectives:


    Understand how cataloguing audio-visual resources differs from cataloguing other formats.

    Learn how to use and format all necessary fixed and variable fields to create full MARC records for DVDs, Blu-ray, and Streaming video resources.

    Understand the challenges in classifying audio-visual resources and the most common ways to address these challenges

    Be familiar with frequently applied Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT) for audio-visual resources.


Course Structure


This is an online class that is taught asynchronously, meaning that participants do the work on their own time as their schedules allow. The class does not meet together at any particular times, although the instructor may set up optional synchronous chat sessions. Instruction includes readings and assignments in one-week segments. Class participation is in an online forum environment.


To apply, please write a brief outline of your background and work experience, and how completing the cataloguing paper would benefit you professionally, no more than 1-2 paragraphs.


The closing date for applications for sponsorship is Friday 7th April, 2017.


Please email applications and enquiries to catsigcommittee@gmail.com