Tēnā koutou


The BETA Version of the new RDA Toolkit is now available to Toolkit users to explore.


To access the new Toolkit, go to http://www.rdatoolkit.org/ where  you should find a linked button to access it. The beta site is accessible to RDA Toolkit subscribers. If you do not have a subscription, you can access the beta site by signing up for a 30-day free trial.


The beta site is being released now for public evaluation and feedback. It is important for the RSC and the Co-Publishers that Toolkit users visit the beta site, evaluate both the content and features, and share with their thoughts. For more information about the BETA version see http://www.rdatoolkit.org/3Rproject/Beta.  A feedback submission form is available on this page.  Please use this form to submit any insights, concerns, and suggestions that you have on the beta site.






Catherine Amey

Authority Record Coordinator

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

PO Box 1467, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

Direct Dial: +64  4704485 | Extn: 3485 | www.dia.govt.nz


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

