If you can’t make the session in Wellington, remember you can view a live stream of the event at your computer from the link below.  The link will be put on the CatSIG section of the LIANZA website after the event, so you can view the session at a later date, if you are unable to make today’s session.  There is no need to register, but we would be interested in your feedback on the live stream if you do attend.


CatSIG in conjunction with the National Library of New Zealand is pleased to offer the following session.


Kevin Ford will be in Wellington on Monday 15th February after his presentation at VALA, to present a similar session at the National Library of New Zealand from 12-2pm.  For those people who cannot attend the session in person, CatSIG will also be running a live stream of the session.  It will be also be available for people to listen to later if they are unable to attend.


Kevin Ford is a Senior Consultant at AVPreserve, which is a data management consulting and software development firm that helps cultural heritage organizations, higher-education institutions, and businesses leverage technology, information, and people to advance the ways in which data will work for them. Prior to joining AVP, Kevin was a NoSQL semantics specialist at MarkLogic and, before that, Kevin was at the Library of Congress where he worked in the Network Development and MARC Standards Office. He was key member of the LC group shepherding the Library’s Bibliographic Framework Initiative, which will ultimately replace the MARC Communication Formats with a semantic model. Kevin was also the project manager for the Library of Congress's Linked Data service, http://id.loc.gov.


Below is an abstract for Kevin’s presentation at VALA


There's An Ambiguous Road Sign that Reads 'bibframe' and a Fork in the Road. Do You Take It?


The Bibframe ontology contains minimally 3 forks, independent projects begun with a copy of an existing project and no assumption that changes in the new fork can be merged with its root. What produced this fragmentation? Are differences reconcilable? If so, by what means? If not, what are the alternatives? Is Bibframe's stricture to produce a single RDF model causing more problems than it solves? This talk will explore these questions, discussing how this fragmented reality emerged when the primary - if not singular - objective is to create a data model and format the library community could embrace with the same fidelity MARC has enjoyed for nearly 50 years.


There will be time for questions and answers at the end of the session.  If you are listening to the live stream can you please forward any questions you want to ask beforehand.


To register please go here

There is no charge for this session but you need to register.


Wellington Monday 15th February from 12-2pm

The National Library of New Zealand Co-Create space




Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401

Email: jf.rowan@auckland.ac.nz


Joanne Rowan


extn 87725