[Apologies for cross-posting]


Kia ora koutou,


In 2019 the National Library conducted a survey of the New Zealand cataloguing community. We would like to thank everyone who responded, and particularly acknowledge the many people who provided useful comments. A report of the results of this survey can be found on the reports and research section of the National Library of New Zealand website.


You will see that there are some follow-up actions for the National Library, which we will work on during the remainder part of 2020 and into 2021. This will include working with CatSIG in undertaking some research into  the make-up of the current New Zealand cataloguing community, the kind of tools and workflows used and current challenges. This will help us as we move toward the implementation of the new Toolkit for RDA (Resource Description and Access).


If you have any questions or comments about the report please do get in touch by emailing: nznb@dia.govt.nz


Ngā mihi,

Kim Gutchlag



Manager, Collection Development and Description

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa Wellington, New Zealand

The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: +644 474 3085
