Tçnâ koutou


Some good news for a rainy Friday (at least here in Te Whanganui a Tara). The June 2022 list of new and changed subject headings approved by Library of Congress has just been posted: https://classweb.org/approved-subjects/2206.html


Of particular note, the subject heading White privilege (Social structure) is now available for use. It has taken nearly 15 years for this term to be approved – please see the Cataloging Lab if you are interested in the history of this proposal.


Please also note that the inappropriate term ‘Primitive societies’ has been deleted, to be replaced by the subject headings Anthropology and Prehistoric peoples. While ‘Prehistoric peoples’ still seems problematic (as it implies some peoples lack history), it is great to see that ‘Primitive societies’ has been removed. A number of associated terms have also been changed or deleted, such as ‘Industries, Primitive’, ‘Primitive property,’ etc.


Nâku noa

Nâ Catherine


Catherine Amey

Mâtanga Metararaunga Whaimana, Authority Metadata Specialist

Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand

PO Box 1467, Wellington 6140, Aotearoa New Zealand

021 026 03324 | www.dia.govt.nz

(He Pâkehâ ahau; pronouns: she/her/hers)



The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs



58326FF6I usually work from home on Tuesdays (at Orange)