[Apologies for cross posting]
Winner New Zealand Cataloguers' Wiki Name Contest Announced
Congratulations Brian Flaherty, University of Auckland Library, winner of $100 book tokens with his name entry, Describe NZ
A big thank you to all who entered -  there were a lot of creative suggestions. The Wiki Moderator Team chose the name Describe NZ out of a large number of submitted entries because it is easy to recall, has a New Zealand association, and encompasses 'description' in general, looking towards RDA and the future.
Describe NZ is a wiki is for all New Zealand cataloguers and metadata professionals. Its aims are to:
- Be a forum for cataloguers to contribute and discuss ideas 
- Provide guidance on ways to create good catalogue records that meet cataloguing standards
- Contain links to useful cataloguing resources and articles of interest
- Provide information and resources on the National Union Catalogue and OSMOSIS
To visit Describe NZ http://www.describe.org.nz/

Manager, Collection Description

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa

Wellington, New Zealand

DDI: +644 474 3085




Did you know that the National Library's Molesworth Street building has closed for redevelopment? Onsite access to selected collections can be found at two Wellington locations: our new reading room at 77 Thorndon Quay, and Archives New Zealand, 10 Mulgrave Street. For more information, go to http://www.natlib.govt.nz/building