

The latest issue of Catapult, the newsletter of the LIANZA Cataloguing Special Interest Group, is now available on DescribeNZ <http://describenz.squarespace.com>, under Catapult.


Or, as a direct link: Catapult 102, August 2019 <http://describenz.squarespace.com/s/Catapult-Aug-2019.pdf>


We hope you enjoy this latest issue.


Happy reading!




Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Metadata

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401

Email: jf.rowan@auckland.ac.nz