Tena tatou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Nga Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of  Te Whakakaokao, the Maori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in April 2015. There are 7 new terms that have been added to Nga Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues, and also 20 changed terms. This work has resolved a number of long-standing and significant issues.



Nga kaupapa hou / New terms


•Aratohu ma te pouako = Teachers' guides

•Ngangara  = Invertebrates

•Ngohe  = Learning activities

•Puoro  = Music

•Rangimarie  = Peace

•Rauemi  = Resources

•Taonga  = Something highly prized or valuable, which is rarely seen



Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms


•The new top term, Taonga has been added, which is used to describe something that is rare, highly prized, or valuable.


•Some persistent questions around the use of the terms Ngarara and Ngangara have been resolved. The scope of the term Ngarara has been revised to make it clear that it describes many invertebrate animals including reptiles, spiders, insects, centipedes, and various larvae. It is also used to refer to a creature or supernatural being whose form incites fear. A new narrower term, Ngangara has been added, which is limited to describing invertebrate animals including insects, worms, centipedes, gastropods and various larvae.


•The scope of the term Tohu has been refined to make it clear that this refers to spiritual signs, omens and guidance as well as physical emblems, insignia, and symbols.


•A new term Rangimarie has been added to convey the concept of peace. This is a narrower term of Tikanga tuku iho, which is used for abstract values and principles which underlie Maori social relations and correct conduct. It also relates to Rongomatâne, the personification of peace.


•The scope and relationships of the term Patupaiarehe (used for fairylike creatures who are supernatural beings) have been clarified, and a new Tutukutuku, Tahurangi, has been added.


•The scope of Matauranga has been clarified to make it clear that this refers to theoretical or practical knowledge acquired through education and/or experience.


•A general term for music, Puoro has now been created. This is a narrower term of both Waka toi, Contemporary arts, and Mahi a Rehia, which is used to refer to all Maori traditional pastimes and games.


•The scope of the term Whatu has been refined to make it clear that this refers to a technique of twining to weave.


•A number of terms have been added to describe educational resources. Aratohu ma te pouako can be used for Teachers' resources, while Ngohe is specific to learning activities. There is also a new term Rauemi, which is used for resources in general.    



We apologise for the absence of macrons. It has not been possible to include these, for technical reasons relating to the email client.


If you have any questions, or potential terms you want to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz.


Na nga kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao
