Hi All,

This email came through on the Australian RDA list so I am sending it on to CatSIG, just in case anyone is interested.




Chris (Christine) Todd

Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand

The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: +64 4 474 3093

email: chris.rae.todd@dia.govt.nz


The National Library is pleased to announce the official reopening on 27 November 2012 of its refurbished Wellington building. If you just can’t wait come to our building on Molesworth Street between 10am – 5pm Monday – Saturday to find out more about what we have on offer - the Alexander Turnbull Reading Rooms and Turnbull Gallery are open now.




From: rdaaust-request@nla.gov.au [mailto:rdaaust-request@nla.gov.au] On Behalf Of Lynn Farkas
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012 4:06 p.m.
To: aglin-l@nla.gov.au; rdaaust@nla.gov.au
Subject: [rdaaust] RDA awareness training


Dear Colleagues (including managers, supervisors and non-cataloguers!),          apologies for cross-posting


Lynn Farkas Information Services is pleased to announce the first of a series of training sessions on the introduction of RDA (Resource Description and Access), the new cataloguing guidelines.  Our first two offerings will centre around ‘RDA Awareness’ – getting staff at all levels to think about how RDA will affect their areas and their clients.


Cataloguing is the engine that drives library services, so changes in how and what libraries catalogue will have a flow-on effect to all other parts of the organisation.  The sessions we outline below address that impact.  They are designed to help your staff think about, and begin planning for, appropriate change.


Our RDA awareness courses are short 1-hour introductions to specific topics, targeting the needs of non-cataloguing staff, team leaders, section heads and library managers – as well as practicing cataloguers.  Please note that we will be offering more intensive full-day training for cataloguers (focusing on the practical details of cataloguing with RDA) in the first quarter of 2013, closer to the time when many national services will be cataloguing with the new guidelines.


Course Details


Course title:       Managing RDA

Venue:                 Lynn Farkas Information Services, 18 Howchin Place, Torrens ACT

Duration:             1 hour

Presenters:        Lynn Farkas, Helen Rowe

Date:                     Thursday, 22nd November 2012

Time:                     9am – 10am

Cost:                      $88.00 per person, including GST

Summary:           This session introduces RDA and explains how it affects various aspects of libraries and their user services.  We deal in turn with the implications for customer services staff, top management, and cataloguing managers and supervisors.  This session is designed for supervisors and managers at all levels, who have practical concerns about whether and/or how their sections might need to adjust policies and procedures.  The focus of the session is on change management, policy planning and awareness of implementation decisions.  Note: although we will refer to some of the new RDA guidelines to illustrate areas which might be affected, this course will not cover the cataloguing differences between RDA and AACR2 in detail.

Can’t get away from your office?  Why not join our Webinar on Tuesday 27th November 2012, from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.  The cost is the same - $88.00 per person (including GST)


Course title:       Managing RDA

Venue:                 interactive online Webinar session accessed from your desktop

Duration:             1 hour

Presenters:        Lynn Farkas, Helen Rowe

Date:                     Tuesday 27th  November 2012

Time:                     2.30pm – 3.30pm

Cost:                      $88.00 per person, including GST

Summary:           as above.




Course title:       Demystifying FRBR and FRAD

Venue:                 interactive online Webinar session accessed from your desktop

Duration:             1 hour

Presenters:        Lynn Farkas, Helen Rowe

Date:               Thursday 29th November 2012

Time:               10am – 11am

Cost:                $88.00 per person, including GST

Summary:        If you’re not even sure what FRBR or FRAD are, this session is for you!  We will explain FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data) and how they underpin the new RDA cataloguing guidelines.  More importantly, we will explain why you need to know about them and how this will help your cataloguing workflow.  This session is designed to get staff used to new ways of thinking about cataloguing, in preparation for using the new RDA guidelines.  The focus of the session is on understanding FRBR/FRAD concepts and terminology, with a practical interactive exercise to help consolidate these ideas. Cataloguers will find it particularly useful as a prequel to RDA training – and it will also help non-cataloguing staff understand this new initiative. This session is only offered as a Webinar at this stage.  Note: Although we may refer to some of the new RDA guidelines to illustrate FRBR concepts, this course will not cover the cataloguing differences between RDA and AACR2 in detail.

Never participated in a Webinar before?  We’ll send you details of how to ‘attend’ and what to expect.



The Presenters

Our presenters Lynn Farkas and Helen Rowe are experienced cataloguers, qualified trainers and designated RDA trainers.  Both Helen and Lynn recently completed the National Library’s intensive ‘train-the-trainer’ RDA course – so you’ll be in good hands!



Course sizes are limited for both face-to-face sessions and webinars.  To book for either of these courses, please email Helen Rowe therowes3@bigpond.com.  If you are interested in ‘Managing RDA’, please ensure you state your preference for the face-to-face or Webinar option. 



We look forward to training you.



Lynn Farkas

Director, Lynn Farkas Information Services P/L

PO Box 7068, Farrer, ACT 2607

Phone (02) 6286 4818






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