Are you thinking about studying in 2011? You may be currently completing a library qualification or looking for professional development opportunities.


CatSIG is offering two opportunities for sponsorship in the following cataloguing course:



***72272 Cataloguing and Classification This course builds on and enhances library skills by introducing you to the principles and practice of cataloguing and classification. It is designed to enable you to apply international standards in the creation of catalogue records. You will also be able to analyse the international standards and to develop a critical understanding of the contemporary issues affecting cataloguing and catalogue management. This course is run by the Open Polytechnic from July 2011 and is a distance learning course.

For more information see 


Pre-requisites: 72171 Library Systems and Processes or equivalent knowledge and experience.


CatSIG sponsorship will cover the tuition fee (New Zealand: $625.00)  



*     You do not have to be a CatSIG member to apply for sponsorship.


*     CatSIG cannot guarantee entry to this course. Our selection of students is conditional on their acceptance into the course. Applicants must ensure they have the correct pre-requisites before applying.   


*     CatSIG will confirm sponsorship to the successful applicants when they have been selected for the course. The applicants will have responsibility for their own enrolment and acceptance into the course and the initial fees payment. CatSIG will reimburse the full tuition fee when it can be shown that the applicants have completed and passed the course.


In your application to CatSIG (1-2 paragraphs) please give a brief outline of your background and work experience, and how completing the cataloguing paper would benefit you professionally.


The closing date for applications for sponsorship is Thursday 5th May, 2011.


Please email applications and enquiries to


Sonya Maclaurin, RLIANZA 
Bibliographic Access & Metadata Librarian
University of Otago Library
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9016 

ph (03) 479 4974, fax (03) 479 7640 