Tēnā koutou/greetings to you all,


In case you missed it, here is the announcement about the draft agenda for the upcoming RDA Steering Committee meeting to be held online beginning the 12th October. The Oceania region will be represented again at the meeting by the ORDAC representative to the RSC, Melissa Parent.


The four briefing papers below will be discussed at the public session and I would also like to encourage you to send comments and feedback about these papers directly to ORDAC to incorporate into our regional response.


All comments will be welcome – please send directly to me (Anoushka.mcguire@dia.govt.nz) by Monday October 5, 2020. I do apologise for the tight deadline.


Ngā mihi nui/thank you very much,

Nā Anoushka



Anoushka McGuire | ORDAC Chair

Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1, Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 2 (Acting)

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 | www.natlib.govt.nz


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs 




From: rda-l-request@lists.ala.org <rda-l-request@lists.ala.org> On Behalf Of RSC Secretary
Sent: Tuesday, 22 September 2020 5:21 AM
To: rda-l@lists.ala.org; catsmail@iflalists.org; eurig@googlegroups.com; Program for Cooperative Cataloging <PCCLIST@listserv.loc.gov>; rules@lists.ala.org
Subject: [RDA-L] Draft agenda and briefing papers available for RSC meeting


Hello, all.


Please forgive the duplication of this announcement via multiple lists.

The following announcement was just posted to the RSC website:

The draft agenda and briefing papers for the October 2020 RDA Steering Committee (RSC) meeting are now available. The final version of the agenda will be published just before the meeting begins, but the agenda is not expected to substantively change.

As previously announced, this will be a two-week virtual meeting (12-15 October and 20-23 October), which will use a mix of asynchronous and video meeting styles.

It is not possible to have observers at the asynchronous meetings due to software constraints. Outcomes from that portion of the meeting will be publicly reported as soon as practical.

However, the public session of the agenda will be discussed in a Zoom video call which will be open to observers. This call is scheduled for Thursday 15 October at 21:00 UTC/GMT (Wednesday 14 October at 5 pm EDT). It will be a two hour call. The RSC offers apologies to those for whom this is an inconvenient time; the group rotates calls throughout time zones to share the burden of middle-of-the-night calls. Outcomes will be publicly reported as soon as practical.

The topics for the public session are:

Please contact the RSC Secretary, Linda Barnhart at rscsecretary@rdatoolkit.org by 5 October to register to attend this video call.


The RSC does not publish the recordings of its meetings, which are captured for the purpose of creating accurate minutes. Best --  Linda


Linda Barnhart, Secretary, RDA Steering Committee





  RSC website: http://rda-rsc.org/

  Latest RSC documents: http://rda-rsc.org/node/633



  RDA Toolkit website: https://www.rdatoolkit.org/

  Latest RDA news: https://www.rdatoolkit.org/news

  RDA Toolkit YouTube site (free training resources):
