CatSIG is looking at the possibility of offering a webinar series from Farkas Training in Australia to provide some RDA training in November.  There is the possibility of ​follow up sessions next year with either face-to-face or additional webinar training on the 'look and feel' of the upgraded RDA toolkit (which will be released in late April).


The webinar series is based on the two-day 'Cataloguing the RDA Way' course, and covers the same material in a series of five 2-hour sessions, offered on alternate days between 20 and 29 November. Participants will receive electronic copies of the manual, and a set of exercises they will be asked to do in their own time between sessions. Each session comprises a review of the exercises from the previous webinar, the time and ability to forward questions and obtain answers online, and the new material presented with the aid of powerpoint slides and the Toolkit. Participants will be given access to the Toolkit for the duration of the series.


The Trainers, Lynn Farkas and Helen Rowe are experienced cataloguers, qualified trainers and designated RDA trainers. In the last three years, Helen and Lynn have delivered webinars and face-to-face RDA training to many hundreds of librarian and technician cataloguers across Australia. They also teach cataloguing online to undergraduate and masters students in the School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, and have written workbooks on cataloguing and reference services in the 'Learn Library Skills' series published by TotalRecall Press, USA.


Gaining more familiarity with the toolkit now, will assist with using the revised toolkit when it is released next year.


We need a minimum of 10 people for the webinars to go ahead.


The costs would be NZ$500.


Can you please email if you are interested in participating in this webinar series.  The closing date for expressions of interest is 29 September. 





Joanne Rowan

Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401



Joanne Rowan


extn 87725