*Forwarded on behalf of David Church


From: David Church <dchurch@unitec.ac.nz>
Sent: Wednesday, 2 February 2022 11:33 am
To: catsig@ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Subject: ITP cataloguers & metadata people


Tēnā koutou katoa,

Hope everyone has had a great break and is settling in nicely.

As we know Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics are being consolidated into Te Pūkenga. In view of that, I have been thinking an informal group of cataloguers & metadata people from our ITP sector might be useful, a place to exchange ideas, issues, and questions.

What do people think? If you would like to share names and contact emails for such a group, I will draw up a list for people who are interested.

Feel free to pass on to others who aren't on this listserv but might be interested. Or to suggest other appropriate listservs that I've missed.

Many thanks.

Ngā mihi,

David Church



David Church

Resources Specialist (Metadata) and Research Bank Administrator

 Library and Information | Student Success - Te Tihi Akonga Angitu

Unitec Institute of Technology

139 Carrington Road

Mt Albert 1025
Auckland New Zealand
New Zealand

 I work Tuesday to Friday 

Watch Pretend It’s a City | Netflix Official Site
Episode 7 "Library Services"

email: dchurch@unitec.ac.nz



Ka whakakite ngā hua o tātou mahi nunui 



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