Here is a message of thanks posted on behalf of Lynne Huddleston:


Thanks for getting back to me Janess and thank you to the other Librarians for their helpful comments and suggestions.


I suppose that what I was really thinking about was actually a group meeting with a trainer to get a basic idea of how RDA works. So not so much about how or why it was developed, but more about what RDA is and how to actually implement it as simply as possible, with some good hands on examples of how to catalogue using it. Or is it a case of just importing records that are already catalogued in this way?


Personally I dislike Webinar sessions, and as you can probably guess I’m not a fan of on-line training either. Having said that, I will certainly use Help buttons, and internet  Q & A’s etc  when I need to. I have clicked on the links you’ve provided.. and to me it’s like another language with all those acronyms. It seems to me that RDA is very difficult, but maybe it’s actually not difficult at all, I just don’t have a clue about it.


I think you just can’t beat actually listening to, and being able to ask questions of,  a real person who is actually present. That means the trainer can get a feel for the group and tailor their presentation as they go. I know you can ask questions on a Webinar but I find it difficult, you’re interrupting the flow of the speaker, it’s tricky -  almost embarrassing.


I don’t think I’ve learnt anything from the Webinars I’ve participated in, but I’ve come to grips with Te Puna from just one introductory session with Ann Barrie, and learnt heaps about copyright from another session with Tony Millett, nailed Endnote from a great session with Charlotte Clements and mastered Web of Knowledge with training from Steven Werkheiser…people who are experts in their fields, but who can get down to basics.


I’m not suggesting that this is something that is needed right away, but just something that you could possibly bear in mind for the future. Please don’t think that this is a criticism of all the excellent material and work you and your colleagues have provided on RDA, it’s not at all, I’m just a different target audience from your experienced cataloguers.


It’s wonderful all  the efforts that you all are making to get a new way of doing things up and running


Kind regards



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