Tēnā tātou

The latest collection of new and changed Ngā Upoko Tukutuku headings are now available for use on the National Library website.

Below is a selection of the changes - please explore the website for the full list. These were created during hui in 2023, and we are happy to finally share these after some delays due to technical issues.

As usual, we’d love to have more requests to work on - tukua mai ōu whakaaro mō ngā ingoa me tāpiri anō ki te pae tukutuku!

We’d particularly appreciate receiving submissions from past participants of the Tukua programme as well as others who are handling a collection item that is in te reo Māori or has content about Māori.  If you can’t find an existing term, and you can't find an existing term in our thesaurus to suit your item, please email reo@dia.govt.nz with your suggestion and the details of what you were working on. Suggestions in English where you don't know a Māori term are very welcome. Please get those requests flying in and we'll add them to our worklist.


Ngā kaupapa hou | New terms — Kohitātea | Hānuere | January 2024


Ako tawhiti < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/ako-tawhiti> – Distance learning

Akoranga mahi ā-rehe < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/akoranga-mahi-ā-rehe > – Trades education

Arotakenga mātākōrero < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/arotakenga-mātākōrero  > – Literature reviews

Haurehu kati mahana < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/haurehu-kati-mahana > – Greenhouse gases

Hokohoko tukunga https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/hokohoko-tukunga> – Emissions trading schemes

Kaihōpara < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/kaihopara> – Explorers

Kakaruwai < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/kakaruwai > – South Island robins

Kōmuru < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/kōmuru> – Osteopathy

Kōpū whāngai < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/kōpū-whāngai > – Surrogacy

Korehāhā < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/korehāhā > – Extinction, extinct species

Mata kōkako < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/mata-kōkako > – Theatrical masks

Ngaru < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/ngaru > – Waves

Ngaru autōhiko <https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/ngaru-autōhiko> – Electromagnetic waves

Oati piripono < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/oati-piripono> – Loyalty oaths

Pūnaha whakarōpū < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/pūnaha-whakarōpū> – Taxonomies

Rakahinonga < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/rakahinonga> – Entrepreneurship

Reo kapekape < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/reo-kapekape> – Humorous language

Te Kara o Te Whakaminenga o Nga Hapu o Nu Tireni <  https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/te-kara-o-te-whakaminenga-o-nga-hapu-o-nu-tireni > –Flag of the United Tribes of New Zealand

Tikumu < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/tikumu > – Mountain daisies

Tukanga whakatau < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/tukanga-whakatau > – Decision-making process

Whakaiti tukunga haurehu < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whakaiti-tukunga-haurehu > – Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Whakakitenga < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whakakitenga > – Exhibitions

Whakamahere ā-takiwā < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whakamahere-ā-takiwā> – City planning



More information about new and changed terms


This update includes several new terms in the areas of climate change and environmental policy. These include Haurehu kati mahana < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/haurehu-kati-mahana> (Greenhouse gases), Hokohoko tukunga < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/hokohoko-tukunga> (Emissions trading schemes), and Whakaiti tukunga haurehu < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whakaiti-tukunga-haurehu>, which describes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.  Sadly, we created a term for extinction and extinct species, Korehāhā https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/korehāhā. which sits along Momo whatungarongaro < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/momo-whatungarongaro>,  the existing term for endangered and threatened species,


On a happier note, the terms relating to species of robin and their geographical distribution were reviewed, leading to adding Kakaruwai < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/kakaruwai>  to describe South Island robins. We added a new term, Pūnaha whakarōpū https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/pūnaha-whakarōpū, to describe such taxonomic relationships. We also created a new term for Tikumu < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/tikumu> (Mountain daisies), an alpine plant with white daisies blooming above rosettes of leaves or on low-growing shrubs in spring and early summer. The silvery undersides of Tikumu leaves may be used for weaving kākahu (garments) and poi, and Te Papa holds an exquisite Kākahu tikumu < https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/topic/3756 > in their collections.


A request for Ngaru autōhiko < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/ngaru-autōhiko> (Electromagnetic waves) led to the realisation that there was no descriptor in Ngā Upoko Tukutuku for any kind of wave. We have now added Ngaru < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/ngaru to describe ocean waves.


Te Whakakaokao has created a new term for Te Kara o Te Whakaminenga o Nga Hapu o Nu Tireni https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/te-kara-o-te-whakaminenga-o-nga-hapu-o-nu-tireni , the Flag of the United Tribes of New Zealand. Te Kara was first flown at Waitangi in March 1934. A term has also been added for Loyalty oaths, Oati piripono < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/oati-piripono>. While Te Whakakaokao generally prefers to avoid transliterations of English terms ‘Loyalty oaths’ are very much a Pākehā concept, and a loan word is appropriate in this context.


Other terms of interest include Whakamahere ā-takiwā https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whakamahere-ā-takiwa (Town planning), Rakahinonga < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/rakahinonga> (Entrepreneurship), and Tukanga whakatau https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/tukanga-whakatau, which describes decision-making processes.


Several terms have been added to describe concepts relating to education and the arts. These include Ako tawhiti https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/ako-tawhiti (Distance learning), Akoranga mahi ā-rehe < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/akoranga-mahi-%C4%81-rehe> (Trades education), and Whakakitenga < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whakakitenga>, a general term for exhibitions of all kinds. The language of poking fun, Reo kapekape < https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/reo-kapekape> now features in Ngā Upoko Tukutuku, and may be used to describe humorous language used in informal situations. There is also now a term for theatrical masks, Mata kōkako https://natlib.govt.nz/librarians/nga-upoko-tukutuku/mata-kōkako. This name references the black facial mask of the kōkako and is familiar to performing artists.


Nā ngā kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao