Tçnâ koutou


Please bring this opportunity to the attention of anyone in your professional networks who may be interesting in applying.


Scholarly Content Adviser

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries & Learning Services

Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland


As one of two Scholarly Content Advisers in the Scholarly Content team, you will play a critical role in providing print and electronic information resources including e-books and e-journals, packages, databases, and streaming video to support learning, teaching and research at the University of Auckland.  We are seeking someone comfortable taking an agile approach within a rapidly changing publishing environment.  You will participate in identifying improvements to documentation and workflows.  You will thrive in adapting and applying new methods to provide access to content and respond to demands for information in different formats. 


This role includes: 

Enabling content provided through the Library’s library management system, including original cataloguing and acquisition of resources

Investigating and resolving problems relating to access 

Liaising with publishers and suppliers about providing content 

Providing advice on licensing 

Assisting with task allocation and monitoring workflows with the team


The closing date for all this position is Sunday 3rd October 2021.


To apply or to view the position description please go to the University Career site https://www.smartrecruiters.com/TheUniversityOfAuckland/743999774976220-scholarly-content-adviser


Ngâ mihi nui, na | with kind regards,



Helen Whiteman

Team Leader, Scholarly Content

Libraries and Learning Services | Te Tumu Herenga

The University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand


T +64 9 373 7999 x 83564 or DDI + 64 9 923 3564

E librarycollections@auckland.ac.nz