Kia ora koutou,


CatSIG is hosting a Cataloguers Day on the 12th October at the University of Auckland, and we’d love you to join us! 


**Registrations open today and will close on the 30th September**


If you are a LIANZA member, you can register through the LIANZA website here:


If you are not a LIANZA member, please contact Jess Davidson ( to register you manually.


Where: University of Auckland, Kate Edgar Information Commons, room 420

When: Wednesday 12th October, 9am to 5pm

Cost: $25.00


Event contact:

Twitter: #CatSIG16


Our program will be finalised by the end of the month but in the meantime check out the draft program:













9 – 9.30 am




9.30 – 9.50 am

Tea break



9.55-10.35 am

Session 1

Erin Skinner

Fighting the good fight: Metadata in Research Data Management


Session 2

Charlotte Christensen

Good enough?


Session 3

To be determined

Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku/Mâori Subject Headings


Lightning session (4)

Becky Dames

Metadata Librarians, the artists formally known as Cataloguers






Session 5

Adam Moriarty

Collections Online


Session 6

Skalk van der Merwe

Integrating music resources from one library to another


Session 7

Charlotte Christensen / Jean Schutte and Fenella Gordon

Remote working


Tea break




Session 8

Vanessa McDonald

Te Puna services


Wrap up / extra time / goodbyes







Erin Skinner

Fighting the good fight: Metadata in Research Data Management

Proper metadata is key in understanding, interpreting and publishing research data. In this presentation we will look at what we have discovered about metadata use as part of an ongoing Research Data Management pilot project and some problem areas. We will also briefly discuss discipline-specific metadata standards.



Charlotte Christensen

Good enough?

What makes a record 'good' or 'not good enough'? No cataloguer can do everything, but how do you decide what is important? This presentation will give an overview of how to look at MARC records and assess their value to your own library. It will help you decide what's worth 'fixing' for your use, and what can be left alone.



Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku/Mâori Subject Headings session

Abstract to come.



Becky Dames

Lightning session:

Metadata Librarians, the artists formerly known as Cataloguers

Lincoln University has embraced shelf-ready titles, ebooks, and the shared knowledge of an ever-improving cataloguing community to allow us to more easily manage our traditional collections and redistribute our traditional cataloguing time. With the Research Archive housing student and academic research, and the Living Heritage site preserving, sharing and connecting our community history, our focus has shifted from creating perfect bibliographic records to raising the visibility of our assets in a global environment. The combination of cataloguing and digital skillsets is key to effective metadata creation in these new environments. This talk explores Lincoln University’s move into digital metadata, where we’ve come from, how we got here, and what we’re planning next.



Adam Moriarty

Collections Online

This talk is an example-rich, practical introduction to Linked [Open] Data (LOD). Using Auckland Museum’s recent Collections Online project and knowledge gained during the recent Paul Reynolds Scholarship, I will present an overview of how this technology can enable collaboration and sharing of data outside your institution.  I will highlight the metadata mapping process, workflows and backend technology required for a successful project.



Skalk van der Merwe

Integrating Music Resources from one Library to another : Using Excel, MarcEdit, the National Union Catalogue and OCLC.

A presentation on how we used MS Excel and Marc Edit to create a Marc file using Massey University bibliographic and item data to batch load into Voyager / Alma.



Charlotte Christensen, Jean Schutte and Fenella Gordon

Roundtable discussion: Remote working

Charlotte, who works remotely for the National Library of New Zealand, Jean Schutte (Wheelers Lead Cataloguer for Hamilton and normally working from home in Waiku) and Fenella Gordon (her employer at Wheelers) will discuss their working lives and logistics of cataloguing remotely.


This will also be a chance for a general discussion on the topic, so questions and queries welcome.



Vanessa McDonald

Te Puna Services

An update on the services, and a chance for Q&A – comments/ ideas / issues/ discussion welcome.



Ngâ mihi,

The CatSIG Committee






Anoushka McGuire | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs