Tēnā tātou

 The new and changed headings from the Hakihea/Tīhema/December Te Whakakaokao/Māori Subject Headings Working Group hui of 2019 are now available for use on the National Library website.

 As you may have noticed, the look of the site has changed slightly, and there is now a persistent search box that appears on every page within Ngā Upoko Tukutuku.

 There are also now three extra files on the Ngā Upoko Tukutuku metadata download page, so that you can choose to download either the entire thesaurus in your preferred MARC format, or just the new and changed terms.

 These changes have been implemented in response to user feedback, so warm thanks to everyone who has asked for these changes.

 Tukua mai ōu whakaaro mō ngā ingoa me tāpiri anō ki te paetukutuku! We’d love some requests for new terms!

As always we'd like to hear any new suggestions you may have for the rōpū (group) to consider. It's a really easy process: if you're handling a collection item that is either in te reo Māori or has content about Māori, and you can't find an existing term in our thesaurus to suit your item, please email reo@dia.govt.nz with your suggestion and the details of what you were working on. Suggestions where you don't know a Māori term are just fine.

 He ao te rangi ka uhia, mā te huruhuru te manu ka rere. 


Ngā kaupapa hou / New terms

Atewharowharo – Lungs

Hinewai - An atua who is the personification of light misty rain

Hipihope – Hip hop

Hū - Shoes

Kamupūtu – Gumboots

Puoro arotini – Popular music

Puoro kōrangaranga – Blues

Puoro rekereke – Reggae

Rāpaki - Wrap-around garments, worn from the waist to the knee

Te Ihorangi - An atua associated with rain

Waewae – Legs, feet


Recent Changes

Many of the changes have focused on the area of music. Macrons have been removed from all occurrences of the term Puoro (Music), to restore consistency with recommended orthographical practices. Please note that we have temporarily created ‘see references’ from the equivalent terms with macrons included,  in order to minimise bibliographic file maintenance in library catalogues. These references will be removed with the next update, unless they reflect actual usage.

 New terms that may be useful to describe musical resources include Hipehope (Hiphop), Puoro rekereke (Reggae), Puoro kōrangaranga (Blues) and Puoro arotini (Popular music). The scope note of Waiata tira has adjusted to make it clear that this term may be used to describe both choral group performances in the context of events such as Te Matatini, and notated music for choral group performances. The scope of Oriori has also been significantly clarified to explain that this term should be used for waiata that retell the stories of ancestral journeys, places, whakapapa, pepeha, or significant historical events. It should only be used for lullabies if the content of the waiata fits within this scope.

The scope notes for Hopu reo (Sound recordings) and Taonga puoro (Māori musical instruments) have also been adjusted. The term Puoro reo (Instrumental music) has been corrected to Reo puoro, and the hierarchy and scope note adjusted.

New concepts in the domain of describing the body and clothing have been created. These include Atewharowharo (Lungs), Waewae (Feet, Legs), Hū (Shoes) and Kamupūtu (Gumboots). The terms relating to Raranga (Weaving), and Kāhahu (Clothing) are in process of being revised to maintain the integrity of the hierarchical relationships within the context of Te Ao Māori.


Nā ngā kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao