

The CatSIG AGM will be held during the LIANZA Conference, on Wednesday 11 October, at 12.30.


As well as the reports of the past year’s activities, we will have Brenda Chawner from Victoria University of Wellington speaking on her recent research. The AGM is your chance to voice your opinion on what you want and expect from the Committee, so come along and have your say.


There are two vacancies on the Committee and we welcome expressions of interest, either on the day or before.


If you need any more incentive, lunch will be provided.


CatSIG AGM Agenda 2006


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Guest speaker, Brenda Chawner
  4. Convenor’s report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Committee member changes and vacancies
  7. LC Series decision – what’s happening in your library?
  8. Committee activities / Continuing Professional Development – what do you want?
  9. Any other business






Paul Staincliffe

Convenor CatSIG