Kia ora koutou

It’s that time again! Do you have anything to contribute for the upcoming issue of Catapult, the newsletter of LIANZA CatSIG? Perhaps a project you are working on or anything else you wish to write about? We had a great Cataloguer profile in our August issue and it would be so nice to be able to include one in our December issue.


Remember, contributions do not have to be cataloguing specific – any topic of interest to the wider technical services community is welcome and encouraged!


Deadline to submit is Friday 17 December.  

Hope to hear from you!


Past issues can be found at


Ngâ mihi/Kind regards,

Sara Sladwick

Digital Library Specialist


Content Discovery and Innovation | Research and Collections

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services

E: | DDI: +64 9 923 7861 ext 87861