Dear Cataloguing colleague,

                                                  If you are going to be in Wellington on Monday 31st October, please come along to the CatSIG AGM which is being held in conjunction with the 2011 LIANZA conference.  You do not need a conference registration to attend the meeting, and are welcome to bring colleagues with you who are not yet CatSIG members.  AGM business will be followed by a series of presentations including:


•             DescribeNZ wiki - Sarah Knox and Chris Stanton 

•             Report back from the National Library (e.g. RDA, form and genre headings) 

•             Training requirements around the Maori Subject Headings - your views requested

•             Ksenija Obradovic on her recently published book "E-books in academic libraries" 


The meeting will take place in the Lion Harbourview 2 from 12.15 to 1.30 p.m.  (If you are attending the conference, this will give you time to get your lunch at 12.00)


Hope to see you there



Sonya Maclaurin, RLIANZA 
Bibliographic Access & Metadata Librarian
University of Otago Library
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9016 

ph (03) 479 4974, fax (03) 479 7640 