This page provides various kinds of information about using Java for COMP102.
- Using Java and BlueJ at home: Information about some of the options available to you to be able to work at home.
- Brief Java documentation Can be printed out for reference. A copy will be provided in the tests and exam.
- Full Java API documentation: This contains documentation on all the standard Java packages, but has an index designed for COMP102 with classes and interfaces most commonly used in COMP102 at the top. You can also see the standard Java API documentation.
- The ecs100 java library: the jar file to use at home, and the documentation. There is also a description of differences between using UI and the rest of the ecs100 library and the way the text book does it.
- Legacy Java Tutorials The official tutorials for an older version of Java. Some of the basic trails on learning the Java language might be helpful, but it is written for experienced programmers moving to Java rather than new programmers.
- There are lots of learning resources on the internet. One that may be interesting is - an online first programming course in javascript (related to, but not the same as java) with video resources. If your mathematics is weak, you might want to go to