ECS Student Support and Resources

We offer a range of support services and resources for our students.

The School of Engineering and Computer Science is committed to the academic excellence and well-being of our students. This page is a reference to the wider University resources, as well as the services offered by our School. There are a number of staff who are available to help you with your studies.

Victoria University of Wellington provides a number of student support services to help you, including finances, accommodation, and health & well-being.

For first year students and our equity groups (at every level), please enjoy our 2020 ECS Intro Video.

Health & Safety

In an effort to educate you about emergency preparedness, please watch the University's 'Be Prepared' video.

Student Health and Student Counseling provide confidential health care and mental health consultations. Our doctors and nurses provide a full range of free health services to enrolled students.

There are sports, recreation, wellbeing, fitness and club services available to you, as well.

Students with Disability

Students with impairments are protected by the "Meeting the Needs of Students with Impairments Policy". This policy aims to give students with impairments the same opportunity as other students to demonstrate their abilities. You should contact your course coordinator if you feel your impairment will hinder your academic progress in any way. You may wish to approach a Student Adviser from Disability Support Services to confidentially discuss your individual needs and the options and support that are available.

Conflict Resolution and Social Safety

While we hope to promote a positive, supportive, and respectful place for students to study, live and socialise, interpersonal conflict does happen. There's a good number of official and unofficial ways to help manage conflict.

In particular, please report issues to your Course Coordinator, Programme Director, and/or Head of School, as well as VUW entities outside of ECS, including the Rainbow and Inclusion Advisor Sterling Jones the team at Student Interest and Conflict Resolution, and the VUWSA Advocate. There are also a list of staff below who can support various equity groups.

There are also a number of external resources to help you, including NetSafe, 1737, and various crisis helplines.

Academic Assistance

VUW Information

Student Learning Services aims to develop independent and active learners at all levels of tertiary study. Go to their workshops or book a one-to-one appointment to enhance your writing, reading, research, maths, and general study skills. Learn how to get the most out of your studies, manage your research, and improve your assignments. You can also view their offerings and be proactive about your upskilling!

Visit Victoria Info Ihonui for guidance, help, directions, and information. You can find them outside the library entrance. They will help with general library assistance and learning support, as well as Justice of the Peace and a Community Constable.

Technical Assistance

ECS has its own network, so if you need assistance, please reference the Get Help page.

Digital Solutions manages your @vuw and @myvuw student account.

Māori and Pasifika Students

Pasifika student support and Māori student support are your whānau and community here on campus. Te Rōpū Āwhina offers tutoring and academic mentoring to our Māori students. Pasifika Student Success offers tutoring and academic mentoring to our Pasifika cohort.

We also have a brand new Pasifika STEM Space in Cotton 254!

ECS Support Staff you can talk to include Kirita-Rose Escott, Kevin Shedlock, and Monoa Taepa.

Rainbow Students

Our rainbow community is supported by Victoria University of Wellington in a number of ways. The University's Rainbow and Inclusion Advisor Sterling Jones is here to support and advocate on behalf of students. See the support website for more information on how to gain medical access to the Outreach Nurse and find your community.

ECS Support Staff you can talk to include Jennifer Ferreira, Andrew Lensen, Kirita-Rose Escott, and Ian Welch.

Female Students

We have a number of lovely female professional and academic staff who are available to any of our female students. We will soon have a social media presence, but for now, please feel welcome to approach any of our School Staff in an official or unofficial capacity.

ECS Support Staff you can talk to include (in alphabetical order) Ying Bi, Qi Chen, Monique Damitio, Kirita-Rose Escott, Jennifer Ferreira, Xiaoying Sharon Gao, Suzan Hall, Hui Ma, Jyoti Sahni, Monoa Taepa, Bing Xue, Fangfang Zhang.

International Students

We have a wonderful group of international student support staff who manage our international students, from orientation and enrolment through to graduation. They can help with insurance, visas, and academic assistance.

Student Groups and Clubs

One of the main student organisation on campus is Victoria University of Wellington Student Association. They provide, among other things, advocacy services, free bus passes, and social events.

VUWWIT (VUW Women in Tech) is a group for undergraduate students who identify as women or non-binary and are studying computer science, engineering and other STEM subjects at VUW.

VEC (Victoria Engineering Club) is a group for students interested in Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology.

The Postgraduate Student Association is the representative organisation for postgraduates (Honours, Masters, and PhD) on campus. They provide, among other things, representation, excellence, and community.

There are a number of other clubs on campus. You will hopefully be able to find one that fits your interests!

Social Media

The School of Engineering and Computer Science has an official Facebook page. Like and/or follow us!

VUW UniQ discord server is to be found on Discord at: