Tutor/Sessional Assistant for 2024 Trimester 2

Use this form to register your interest in tutoring Engineering and Computer Science courses.

See School of Engineering and Computer Science Tutor Applications for more information.

Application form

Course/Year/Trimester (if applicable)

If you had any non-tutor fixed term contract with VUW in ANY school, in the last 6 months please provide the School name, start date and end date

For example: other email address or course code if 'Other' was selected as a course

Click here for a description of each course
Please note: 4th Year and XMUT courses are only available for postgraduate tutors

Optional - specify your preference when selecting more than 2 courses

Optional - specify your preference when selecting more than 2 courses

I understand that the information I provide is being collected for the purposes described in, and will be used in accordance with, the University's Privacy Notice (available at www.wgtn.ac.nz/privacy).