[apologies for cross-posting]
Hello everyone
Someone has pointed out that the 18 July is not a Monday, as per the original notification of this seminar. Quite right! The seminars are being held:
Auckland: Wednesday 18 July 2007 and
Wellington: Friday 20 July 2007.
Apologies for the confusion
for CatSIG Committee
Amanda Cossham
Information and Library Studies
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
0508 650 200 x5518
CatSIG Professional Development Seminar, July 2007
CatSIG is pleased …
[View More]to announce a one day seminar with an exciting and
varied programme of speakers.
The Committee is delighted to announce that Deirdre Kiorgaard, Director,
Bibliographic Standards and Strategy, National Library of Australia and
Chair of the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of Anglo-American
Cataloguing Rules will be our key presenter.
Ms. Kiorgaard will give two presentations on the JSC's work on RDA as
well as a demonstration of how FRBR fits into the model. This will be
the only opportunity New Zealand librarians and interested parties will
have to hear about these developments before the publication of RDA in
The Committee has achieved a coup in attracting Ms. Kiorgaard whose
presentations will be of interest to a wide community and we encourage
you to attend.
Other presenters are Chris Todd who will regale us with tales from her
year in Cambodia on VSA; Leonie Hayes from the University of Auckland
will demonstrate ResearchSpace and discuss metadata, cataloguing and
repositories and Amanda Cossham from The Open Polytechnic will discuss
the rapidly growing discipline of information architecture.
18 July 2007 University of Auckland, Kate Edgar Information Commons
20 July 2007 Archives New Zealand, Wellington
9.10 Mingle for a 9.25 start
9.25 Welcome
9.30-10.30 Deirdre Kiorgaard, Director, Bibliographic Standards and
Strategy, National Library of Australia and Chair of the Joint Steering
Committee for Revision of AACR
Deirdre will update us on the background, progress and future direction
of the development of RDA - Resource Description and Access. Deirdre
will take questions and comments on RDA so bring along all the questions
you ever wanted answered.
10.30-11 Morning tea
11.30-12.10 Deirdre Kiorgaard
Demonstration of an early prototype of an RDA web tool
12.15-1 Chris Todd, Cataloguing Team Leader, Schools & Music Team, NLNZ
"Cataloguing in Cambodia"
Chris will regale us with tales from her year on VSA in Cambodia
1-2 Lunch - Please note lunch will *not* be provided
2-2.45 Leonie Hayes, Digital Access Librarian, University of Auckland
Library and Project Manager Institutional Repositories Aotearoa,
University of Auckland Library
"What's so great about digital theses? Experiences at the University of
Auckland with ResearchSpace"
ResearchSpace is the open access digital archive (or institutional
repository) of the University of Auckland. Leonie will discuss metadata
for theses in catalogues in MARC and in DC in the repository, and the
wisdom or not of duplicating workflows, data entry and functionality.
Leonie will challenge us to think about the future use of aggregated
search tools and being smart about the effort required to create digital
2.45-3.15 Afternoon tea
3.15-4 Amanda Cossham, Lecturer, Information and Library Studies, The
Open Polytechnic of New Zealand He Wharekura-tini Kaihautu o Aotearoa
"Information architecture: a brief tour"
Amanda will introduce the discipline of information architecture and
discuss its relevance to cataloguing librarians. Information
architecture is a developing discipline that has been defined as the
construction of a structure, or the organisation of information. This
includes using taxonomies, tags, faceted classification and
folksonomies. Information architecture is one of the ways that we can
start to deal with the 'unintended consequences of the information age'
- information overload, information anxiety and junk information.
4 Wrap up
Cost including morning and afternoon tea:
CatSIG members $70
LIANZA members $90
Others $100
All prices exclude GST.
For enquiries or to book a place please contact Amanda Cossham,
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National Library/OCLC Key Message No 2
This is the second Key Message about additional services being offered
to Te Puna subscribing libraries.
The first message looked at ways in which WebCat users can now save
records from remote gateways directly into Te Puna. Several libraries
have now succefully started using this option.
Today’s message looks at the Registration process and what you will
need to do if you want to start using either OCLC cataloguing software
or accessing FirstSearch …
[View More]from Monday 2 July.
Registration for use of OCLC Cataloguing tools:
· https://www3.oclc.org/app/sysacc/header.pl is the link to the
OCLC Access & Authorisation form which you can complete to get your
Cataloging authorizations for all OCLC cataloguing software.
· Intending CatExpress users should also use the same form.
· Be sure to select the OCLC Asia Pacific as the regional service
· Also make sure you indicate you are part of the OCLC-New
partnership (you can do this at the bottom of the form in the Special
Instructions section).
· You will not be able to download the Connexion client until you
have a password and authorisation.
· Before completing the authorisation forms libraries will need
locate their OCLC symbol which you can find in the document posted on
Puna website at
· If you have follow up questions about the form or the
cataloguing software, please direct these to OCLC Asia Pacific
Registration for FirstSearch authorization:
· You need to complete the form located at:
· In the Subscription Accounts section, please indicate Base
· Indicate that this is part of the New Zealand partnership in
Special Instructions/Notes section
· You will need to return the form to OCLC either by fax or
the signed document in PDF formata and transmitting electronically
· Details about whom you should send the document are available
OCLC website at: http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/ordering/default.htm
· If you have follow up questions about the form or FirstSearch
package, please direct these to OCLC Asia Pacific
You can also contact (support(a)oclc.org) if you have any other problems
or questions.
Digital Solutions
National Library of New Zealand
P.O. Box 1467
Wellington 6140
Email: ruth.miller(a)natlib.govt.nz
Telephone: +64 4 474 3089
Mobile: 021 540 978
Read latest Te Puna news at
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Good afternoon
Over the next few weeks National Library will send out a series of key
messages about the new services which your library, as a Te Puna
subscriber, is encouraged to use.
Today we talk about the WebCat development that was so well-received at
the recent Road Shows up and down the country
WebCat now has the ability to save records from remote databases to Te
Puna when the relevant record is not found in Te Puna. You can then add
your library’s holding and retrieve records as you …
[View More]currently do.
This new WebCat functionality was expressly developed by National
Library to support the OCLC initiative, as a way of providing New
Zealand libraries with access to a greatly extended range of
bibliographic records.
For contractual reasons links to WorldCat will not be available until 1
July, but we are pleased to let you have a preview of the functionality
by providing links to two other databases unhindered in this way.
For those who would like to look at how this will work you can now save
records from:
· National Bibliographic Archive
· Libraries Australia Bibliographic Database
· Others will follow
You can either go into Te Puna and trial it for yourself or look at
some screen shots at http://subscribers.natlib.govt.nz/news/future.htm
Points to note:
New buttons are labelled:
o REDO your search on OCLC WorldCat (next to search button - if
your search returned no results)
o Import from Gateway (Far left on top toolbar)
o Save this record to the NBD (immediately above the Detailed/MARC
view of the record)
When you are in a remote database the screen is coloured slate grey and
blue, and a message about which database you are using is displayed at
the top of the result set
You will know when you have been successful in saving the record from
the remote database of your choice when you are back with the familiar
pink and blue WebCat colour scheme.
The Webcat development uses Z39.50 capability and here are some search
tips to help you get started when connected to Worldcat’s Z39.50
server using Webcat:
Digital Solutions
National Library of New Zealand
P.O. Box 1467
Wellington 6140
Email: ruth.miller(a)natlib.govt.nz
Telephone: +64 4 474 3089
Mobile: 021 540 978
Read latest Te Puna news at
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All e-mails have been scanned for viruses and content by security software. The National Library reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications through its network.
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The 2007 AGM of CatSIG will take place during the LIANZA conference.
Please forward any items for the agenda to the Secretary, Helen Jenkins
at helen.jenkins(a)natlib.govt.nz by 30 June 2007.
Convenor CatSIG
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