There are a very limited number of spaces available for Deborah Fritz's workshop on copy cataloguing on September 3rd, either face-to-face if you are in Auckland or as a webinar if you are in other parts of the country.
Deborah's course is RDA/MARC for copycats: searching, matching & essential editing. More information on the content may be found at Some preliminary work will be required prior to the workshop.
Please indicate your interest by sending the following information to catsigcommittee(a)<> by midday on Wednesday August 28th, 2013:
Name of participant/s:
Email addresses of participant/s:
Library name:
Face-to-face or online?
Janess Stewart | Team Leader | Serials Cataloguing Team
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
Direct Dial: +64 4 4743118 | Extn: 4918 | Fax: +64 4 474 3161
Corner of Molesworth & Aitken Streets | PO Box 1467, Wellington 6140, New Zealand |
National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs
RDA update August 2013
NLNZ cataloguing and RDA
The National Library has been using RDA since April and some of us are surprised at how quickly AACR2 is fading into the background.
There is still considerable discussion on the application of RDA at an international level and this has already resulted in changes to some RDA instructions. The National Library expects to adapt its cataloguing policies as best practices evolve internationally.
Hybrid Records
Several US library vendors are offering RDA records and at ALA some were offering an RDA conversion service. Such a service would “hybridise” existing AACR records in various ways; the main changes being the expansion of standard cataloguing abbreviations, the addition of the RDA content type, media type and carrier type fields, and the possible addition of relationship designators. OCLC supports the creation of hybrid records in its RDA policy statement<>
Hybrid records in the New Zealand NUC
A cursory exploration of the NUC showed a good number of hybrid records, although many fewer than full RDA records. One major source of hybrid records for the NUC at present seems to be British Library CiP records, which are created by a vendor. Cataloguers who want to know how to identify such records could work through the RDA seminar session 8. Activity: Identifying RDA Records from last year’s Barbara Tillett RDA seminar<…>
Your questions?
The change in record standards creates challenges for cataloguers and challenges for automated record matching processes.
If you identify any duplicate records or records that you suspect have been incorrectly merged, please leave the records unchanged and contact Data Review at Data-Review(a)<>
If you have questions about RDA or AACR2 and the content of records please contact the National Library cataloguing team leaders at nznb(a)<>
American Library Association annual conference and cataloguing
At ALA the question was not whether to change to RDA but rather when to change, with many larger libraries already well underway with their use of the new standard. One or two meetings discussed general implementation of RDA, but there was a greater focus on specific aspects of RDA than on the standard as a whole.
There were a number of ALA sessions that included discussion of the Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative (Bibframe<>); the Library of Congress’s project for the replacement of the MARC format. The Bibframe email list includes posts from a mix of cataloguers, metadata specialists, and people who write code and is very interesting reading. This project could have a major impact on the future of cataloguing and is definitely one to watch.
Chris (Christine) Todd | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
Direct Dial: +64 4 474 3093 | Extn: 3093
Corner of Molesworth & Aitken Streets | PO Box 1467, Wellington 6140, New Zealand |<>
National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs